My Friend, Tearing It Up On Bass


Apr 9, 2002
Thought you cats might appreicate this.

One of my old military friends is always trying out new projects and stuff--punk, black metal, hip hop, death metal. Since he's still in the Air Force, it's tough to find musicians. So he plays with anyone, whenever he can. A while back he joined this death metal band called Blood For Ares.

This is him recording a bass track for a demo:

That dude is a sick musician.
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Wow, good stuff. I wish I could play like that. I'm still a bass noob though.
Wow, good stuff. I wish I could play like that. I'm still a bass noob though.
He can play everything. He's one of those musicians that were just born to play. Unlike me who had to bust his ass to be mediocre. Haha. He's brilliant on guitar and drums, too. Wish I could play like that. The band sucks (and are no more), but you don't always see that kind of bass work in a brutal death metal band.