My fruit Psychobells, Bath, or the Kayo Dot CD?


The Crimson King
Jan 20, 2003
'Da' Graveyard...
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So today I go into a record store just to look around, with nothing in mind to buy exactly and I stumble into 3 maudlin of the Well albums. I had never seen any store selling them before so I just bought one of them on impulse because I keep hearing from people that they're really good (and I heard one song which was amazing), so I bought Leaving Your Body Map, and It Rocks! I like it so much I wanted to buy something more from them sometime soon. So I come home and try to find more info on them and it turns out they broke up and now are called Kayo DOt (as most of you know by now). And now I just wanted to ask people's opinions on which album is better so I can make up my mind (very indecisive person I am).

Oh, and another thing, what's that song that starts out with a big Organ sound?? Cuz I thought it was on LYBM, but it wasn't and that song was insane. So can anyone tell me what song is it and which album its from? Thanks.
I'd definately rate Choirs over Psychobells...

My order

2. Bath
3. Choirs
4. Psychobells

Psychobells DOES have my favourite song by these dudes ever though, Catharsis of Sea-Sleep, a song that means more to me personally than I could possibly describe. My favourite lyrics of all time as well.
Undine and Underwater Flowers all the way

I'd rank them:
1. Leaving Your Body Map
2. Choirs of the Eye
3. Bath
4. My Fruit Psychobells...
coelacanth_M said:
i've always wondered.
and this question is burning right now.
could someone please tell me what the fuck a "fruit psychobell" is?
I asked this same question a while ago.

I guess Maria came up with the name or something. I don't know details. Sam? Toby? Greg?
capeda said:
No way, the best song on Psychobells is The Ocean, The Kingdom, and the Temptation.
Let's rate!

#1. Catharsis of Sea-Sleep
#2. Blight of River-Systems
#3. A Conception Pathetic
#4. The Ocean, The Kingdom, and the Temptation
#5. Ferocious Weights
#6. Undine and Underwater Flowers
#7. Pondering a Wall

Shit. That was really hard to do.
i guess in terms of sheer amazement at how they turned out my order would be:

1. Catharsis(the one that took me the longest to "get")
2. Ocean, Kingdom, etc.(still one of our finest achievements although i almost prefer the 4-track demo)
3. Blight(killer melodies, and a solo that i still can't believe i came up with that early morning at like 3am at the hamshire college studios)
4. Undine(makes me cry)
5. Ferocious(again, i came up with that dueling solo?)
6. Pondering a Wall(i absolutely love the vocals on this song)
7. Conception(pretty naive but awesomely fun)

my favorites to play live:

1. Catharsis
2. Conception
3. Blight
4. Undine(at progwest i got slip in the Angel theme in the intro!)
5. Pondering
6. Ferocious
7. Ocean(although we have never played it live. :( )