My humble home studio/music room


80's Thrash > *
Nov 28, 2010
Boston, MA
This pales in comparison to some of the amazing rooms I've seen on here, but I figure everyone likes pics, right?

Here's my home studio. I know it's just a music room, or a room full of music crap (more accurately), but calling it a "home studio" makes me feel a little more like a rockstar. :)

Pardon the shit lighting, but it was either wash out the lens, or really dark pics.

On my desk: KRK Rokit 8s, Presonus Bluetube, Carvin AC120, Motu 828, Axe-Fx II, T21 Sansamp Bass DI.


On the floor: HD1221s, MFC-101, Bad Horsie, Decimator, Axiom 61.



Over here, HD1221, Macbook that I use for drum sampling, (Superior etc) and ReaMote, headphone distro, cheap Behringer mixer (1202FX, it's really not that bad) and a Samson power conditioner. (That's a 2U rack case all that shit is sitting on...):


Other side of the room. 6505+, GMajor/2, 8Ohm hot plate, Stroborack, Monster PC, misc pedals and such. The XBox and PS3 are considered music gear, right?



My Frankenrack of vDrums, and The Light Of Doom. The drum audio runs into the HD1221 in front of it via the mixer, and the MIDI goes into the MOTU and the Macbook for samples. The thing to the left of the ride is a humidifier.




Across from that, some more guitars and my network crap. There are 3 NAS's under the printer along with my wireless stuff. One of them is dedicated to just rsyncing my recording data.


Some guitars, and my awesome Aussie CBG. The one in the foreground is the KxK SC7. In the case is a Martin DC-1E.


In front of the 6505, my modest pedalboard, with the proper way to use a TS808 with a 6505+.


On top of the 6505+. THD, Power conditioner, Stroborack, GMaj/2 and a spacer that'll have a wireless in it eventually.


Ye ole random table of mics and strings. Also known as "Where the drummer spills his beer".

Couch, guitars, cool painting that was a bitch to hang up.



A peek inside the closet. Best idea ever, though I still need to hang more cables. Despite having 11 billion of them, I still end up buying new ones all the time. It's every musician's nightmare, isn't it?


And one more shot of where I'm posting this from.

Chris I've been meaning to ask how's that Bluetube preamp? Thinking of getting pine myself.

I love it man. I mostly use it to warm up acoustic tones. It has two inputs, so I'll run two condensers on the guitar, and then send the preamp signal either into my processor or straight into the DAW. The preamp tone isn't very good on it's own, but when you blend all 3 you can get some pretty awesome results.

If you weren't across the pond, I'd send it your way to check it out for a bit, since I'm currently fighting with leads for my album. :lol:
So nice man, I'm envious! You should take a look at proper monitor placement as yours are pretty close to the wall and are straight.
So nice man, I'm envious! You should take a look at proper monitor placement as yours are pretty close to the wall and are straight.

Thanks man. :) I honestly didn't see the other post-your-studio thread before making this, so I feel a little silly.

I have new monitors now, and usually kick 'em in at an angle when mixing. I still need to get proper stands. They're only straight against the wall when I'm just jamming out/writing stuff. (which is 99% of the time, unfortunately, haha).


^ V8 juice brings out the power metal in us all.