My Karaoke Experience


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Ok so, it's Memorial Day weekend. Which means party, right?

Well, three day weekend, don't have to go to work until Tuesday so I think I'm going to get wasted with my friends at my buddy's property. Well, I didn't go. I got dragged to the bar on Karaoke night by my coworkers.

I'll tell you what....I had a fucking excellent time. Tommy is a good singer and we all just went to see him. Well, the liquid courage hit me and everyone was telling my ass to get up there. My dad and his girlfriend went. My dad wanted to see me go up there simply because hell, I'm not a vocalist, I'm a guitarist. I guess my mom's vocal capabilities were passed onto me as well.

So, I decided to do War Pigs with Tommy backing me up. Holy shit....Tommy walked away after the first verse because "I didn't need him anymore", is what he told me. I suprised quite a few people and decided that damn, I can sing.

So what do I do next? Put it this way, this was a old people's bar. There were old fucking ladies singing songs from the guy did a ZZ Top song...more did country. So, why don't I do some Megadeth? I did Symphony of Destruction and man, I scared some people. I didn't know I could do a very, very deep range. Not a growl....more like Shagroth's deep.

My dad loved it probably more than anyone, for he likes Megadeth. Then, Tommy did Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue. This pissed me off because I wanted to do it. So, I did it anyways. At this point I was really wasted so I fucked up a couple times but all in all, I felt that it was damn good.

After I did Home Sweet Home, I went to go pay my tab. People were telling me "Great singing up there!" and shit like that. People remembered my name. Hell, one guy was getting ready to do a song and he said "I think Steve could even appreciate this next song". I raised my glass. Of course, the song was some fucking hillybilly faggot shit song about haircuts so I didn't appreciate it, but whatever.

So yea, I had a fucking blast. I'll stick with guitar though. :lol:
cool :) karakoke shit is funny as hell, especially when you cant sing and youre dragged out to it and made to sing while you even dont want :lol: its funny to listen to ppl do that :)

anyway cool steve, send me yours limited jackson and turn vocals :D