My Megadeth Review


Klingons on Uranus
Oct 17, 2003
St. Louis Missouri USA
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St.Louis Pops 10-5-04 Show

Place was packed to all hell. Me and John got there 15 minutes late and the opening band named Exodus was playing. They weren't bad. I went to the Bathroom. Me and John got seperated to no suprise I expected that to happen. Anyway he ended up in the dead center of the most pit in the middle. I finally ended up front row on the guard rail by the right speaker. I started way in the back too. Some weird aura of good luck got me to front row. A sequence of human stupidity at its finest, events happened.

- Right as Megadeth started playing two 16 year old kids just starting fighting, they were choking, pulling hair, and slapping like a couple of girls. Probably fighting over who had longer hair and who could smoke the most weed. Anyway Security hauled them off and the group they were with left. So a huge gap opened up.

- So the show goes on. I get fucking Cousin It and a Cave Troll in front of me. Cannot see shit. Luckily after about 1 and half songs the Cave Troll starts to get sick. So Cousin It and the rest of the Addams Family take him to the bathroom. So I move up. Ahh I am now 3 rows from the front row guard rail on the right side.

- This skinny dude starts to shove his fat girlfriend (and I mean fat, this "lady" makes me look like a dwarf) in and out of the audience. He did this 3 times. I was getting pretty pissed. In and on in and out to go get more booze. Finally people just got fed up with it and didn't let him come back. So I moved up.

- Final obstacle, Drunken 40 year old dude playing Stripper on the guard rail and bouncing off and elbowing people. Myself and others were getting pissed off at him About the 12th time I got hit I finally just pushed the fucker into the guard rail and said "Look Dude cut that shit out and just stay still and enjoy the show" He told me to "fuck off, I gonna do what I want" (slurred drunken speech) So him and his buddy gave me a stupid look and they went up to the bar to get some more beer. So here I am finally at front row on the guard rail and I enjoyed the rest of the show from there.

Anyway Dave Mustaine was hilarious. He said before one song " I really gotta be honest with you, I Hate Lars" the crowd erupted into laughter and a bunch of Fuck Metallica and Fuck Lars chants. Also some dumbass earlier was throwing shit at Dave. So Dave asked Security to haul off the asshole before he goes down there and kicks his ass. After Security escorted the fudgepacker out Dave said "Good I didn't feel like going to jail tonight."

Great Show Great Band. I got me a Vic Rattlehead Megadeth TShirt. I didn't stick around to meet the band or nothing, me and John just headed home and here I am.

My Highlight songs of the night were Sweating Bullets, Hangar 18, and Trust.

Here is the Setlist:
01. Skin O' My Teeth
02. Wake Up Dead
03. In My Darkest Hour
04. Something I'm Not
05. Reckoning Day
06. Killing Road
07. Train of Consequences
08. Die Dead Enough
09. Angry Again
10. Kick the Chair
11. A Tout Le Monde
12. Hangar 18
13. Tornado of Souls
14. Trust
15. Symphony of Destruction
16. Sweating Bullets
17. Peace Sells…But Who's Buying?!
Encore 18. Holy Wars

Song I wished Megadeth Played:
Architecture of Aggression
Dave only hates Lars because he showed htat clip in there movie and it made Dave look like he regretted everything hed ever done and wished he was still part of metallica and its true Dave probably does.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
Dave only hates Lars because he showed htat clip in there movie and it made Dave look like he regretted everything hed ever done and wished he was still part of metallica and its true Dave probably does.

I don't care. Lars is still a cunt.

This is about a concert not a event that happened in the past between two old musicians. I just merely quoted some things Dave said.

great setlist though.

I agree. It was a very good lineup.
well if its any consolation it was a half decent review. Was dave using just his jacksons or just his esps or a combo of both?