My Killers and Iron maiden review


Apr 14, 2001
Im at work and bored, so here is my review of these 2 cds, which I finally bought on Friday.

Firstly, Iron Maiden.....

Boring as f**k cover. Eddie staring at you.... I dont see the big deal, maybe it was scary back in 1981.

On the back it says Sanctuary goes for 0 minutes and 0 seconds, now I may very well be wrong (hey noones perfect) but I could have sworn the song went for longer than that when I listened to it.......

Theres some guy named Paul doing the vocals, now lets be honest folks, he is no Bruce..... He really isnt, though his voice does have a certain rough charm for some of the songs, I like his work on Transylvania the best :D

Which incidentally isnt as good as the Iced Earth version. But anyway....

Strange World rocks, also has lots of harmonics, Steve Harris is 20 years ahead of numetal.

Remember Tomorrow is also quite good also I must say.

Phantom is unreal, but we have already kicked that dead horse way too much.

Who the F**K is Dennis Stratton? With a name like that he should be teaching aerobics, not in a seminal NWOBHM band..... Ill bet this guy didnt even run around on stage like Janick does :)

Special mention goes to the photo in the middle in the torture chamber, thats just damn cool.

All in all, quite a good album, I think these guys might get somewhere one day, and they can now proudly display Spawnys Royal Seal Of Approval :D



A cool cover, Eddie with a bloodied axe, I wonder if they will continue this trend of putting this guy on their album covers?

A young chap called Adrian Smith joined the band and Dennis Stratton went back to his lifelong love, teaching aerobics.

The Ides Of March is cool, they should have made it longer. Once again, Paul shines on this track :D

Murders In The Rue Morgue! This song is cool! I dont know if its better than Wasps totally unrelated song of a different name, but its still great!

Ghengis Khan is good in a boring kinda way, not my thing, goes on a bit too long, nice harmonies though!

Killers rocks.

Prodigal Son is the surprise of the first 2 albums though, acousticy and different to most of the other stuff, its a great song, I think its about a guy who is possessed, and thats really metal. Nice work Steve :D

Purgatory is also good. Very good. Very very good indeed.

Umm theres a couple more songs at the end, but I cant remember them being any good, correct me if im wrong.

This album also gets Spawnys Royal Seal Of Approval, if they just change their vocalist I really think this band will hit it big :D

(Paul isnt too bad, but after hearing Bruce singing Maiden stuff first, I wouldnt give Paul the time of day. Well I might, but only if he wasnt singing for Maiden)
Hmmm listening again, I think I was a bit harsh on poor old Paul, he isnt too bad at all, but what can I say? Bruce does rule :D
Pfft, I say. PFFT!

Newbie Maiden fans always annoy me - go back and listen to your Slipknot and Deftones and Korn and whatever else it is you listen to!

And comparing Bruce to Paul is like... well, it's just silly. Listen to Bruce's versions of Paul's songs, and you'll see that Paul was the definitive vocalist on that material. Gasp in horror as Bruce butchers "Remember Tomorrow"! Cringe in terror as Bruce once again dismantles "Prowler"! Just as Blaze wasn't any good at singing most Bruce stuff, Bruce isn't any good at singing most Paul stuff (exceptions: Running Free, Wrathchild, Iron Maiden).

Spiff, I agree with all but I still think Pauls version of Wrathchild is much better. :grin:

Newbie Maiden fans...:lol:

Spawn: Have you just found Maiden in the last six months or something? Killers is one of the best Maiden albums ever. I would take Killers over No Prayer for the Dying ANYDAY. Shit, I'd even take it over 7th Son when the Maiden band were complete.

And forget the Blaze crap - I remember seeing Maiden live on their last tour in NYC, and when Bruce introduced The Clansman, they actually got booed. No lie. Most people tend to think Maiden went from 7th son straight to BNW. All that stuff in the middle was just pretend - it doesn't actually exist. :grin:
How could people BOO The Clansman? Idiots! Thats song RULES!

Bruce is far better, and nothing you can say can change that, the proof is on the albums :)

Only been listening to them for the last 3 yearsish Maestro :D
Bruce sings Blaze era stuff a lot better also in my opinion (not that im not a big Blaze fan, but Bruce sounds better for Clansman and Sign Of The Cross I think)