My latest music video: MIXED BY FREDRIK NORDSTROM!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

I've been wanting to post something up from this project for the last three years, and now it's finally been released!
The project: Self-titled album by Betrayer, an old-school metal band that I've been working with since my earliest days in the studio. We had a budget to work with, and several names were kicked around for mixing, with Fredrik coming out on top. Besides his work with At The Gates & all the other heavy-as-fuck stuff he's famous for, the band are huge fans of Dream Evil, and that's what clinched it.

Tracking philosophy was simple: Get the best performance possible out of the band. We started in July of 2009 and worked the whole summer. One of the more interesting notes is that after much fucking about with the rhythm guitars, once we finally locked down the tone, Jeff the guitarist/singer quad-tracked the rhythms for the entire album in about 4 hours.... it was truly an inspired performance & it's rare to see someone that 'dialed in' on their instrument.

We also kept auto-tune out of the equation, and went for and old-school master as well: dynamics are fully intact.

Henrik Udd also joined in on mix duty, and it was truly a fantastic experience to work with these guys. The back-and-forth communication was excellent, and I walked away from this project a better engineer.

The hardest part was sitting on this while the band hashed out a label deal. That took time. In this case, a LOT of time! Not only did I have to wait for the record to come out, I had to shoot & edit this video as well.... and that took some time, as I could only edit for a maximum four hour stretch on this project. You'll understand 'why' very quickly.

So, here it finally is:

"Convicted Soul" by Betrayer. Click on the hi-def version to hear the mix in full resolution. Once again: It's an old-school master. If you want it loud, CRANK IT UP!

Sounds awesome, I even like the song. I really wish more people appreciated metal like this. Did Fredrik let you in on what he was doing while mixing, or was it pretty much a situation where you had to send the files and he just sent the magic back to you?