My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Over the past few days:

Graveland - Will Stronger Than Death
Impaled - Death After Life (I have had it downloaded forever, finally bought it. Always make it a point to buy what I download and like at some point)
Vital Remains - Dechristianize (See above note)
Mord - Imperium Magnum Infernalis
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Nortt - Gudsforladt

I wish I had a better turntable. The one I have is just a shitty $100 model I bought at Circuit City.

I do not think I would want a felt mat though. I have dogs and their hair gets everywhere.

Tell us how it is!

My record player. I have no idea what the fuck it is and it probably is shit in comparison to a good record player, but I wouldn't know the difference. Sometimes it skips too if you don't work the knobs right.
Why the fuck do I have CDs laying on the actual record player itself? Am I retarded?

Anyway, what you see in the picture:

- Eidomantum - Fear The Master on the player, and the cover to the lower left
- various Blood Harvet 7"es on the speakers (Lethal, Corrupt, Necrovation, Tribulation, whathaveyou), plus Nominon
-Nominon patch (outside of view, Warning, Mercy, Heathen Hoof, Tudor patches)
- Nominon pin
- Unleashed and Warning CDs on the player (why? wtf)
- $30
- post office receipt
- broken watch
- H.P. Lovecraft books
- Plato, Aristotle, and english books for school
- curtains
This crap turned up today, each ordered from a different distro, each in its own package, how cool is that:

DECEASED - Fearless Undead Machines
WARNING - Watching from a Distance
ENSLAVED - Monumension
DISILLUSION - Back to Times of SplendoUr
SENTENCED - Amok / Love & Death EP
You freaked me out there, I thought I was going nuts. If I wasn't a lazy bastard I probably would've run upstairs to check my copy.