My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Nuclear BLast Out Of The Dark
Entombed Left Hand Path
Entombed Serpeant Saints
NightWish Dark Passion Play
Black Dahlia MUrder Nocturnal
Overkill Immortalis
Ride the SKy New Protection
Darkthrone FOAD
Iced Earth Framing Armegeddon
Arch Enemy Rise Of The Tyrant
Municipal Waste Art Of PArtying
Dekapitator Storm Before The Calm
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

I should make a gugsian thread because I have purchased approx. 4958249056 albums over the past several months. [/ooh how exciting]
I just ordered:

At the Gates - Red in the sky is ours
At the Gates - Terminal spirit disease
At the Gates - With fear I kiss
Deathspell Omega - Fas ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum
Deep Purple - Fireball
Deep Purple - In rock
Destroyer 666 - Cold steel for an iron age
Negura Bunget - N crugu bradului
Onslaught - Force
Pestilence - Spheres
Repulsion - Horrified (cd reissue)

I just received:

Wolves In The Throne Room - Diadem Of 12 Stars
Zweizz - Yawn Of The New Age
i bought an antique fishing reel (the design incorporates bakelite, that's how old it is) and a fucking rad Jesus hat. i'm not religious but the hat is so awesome it kinda makes me want to worship that dude.
Primordial - To the nameless dead, limited edition digibook with dvd
Preorder on ebay from Metal Blades store. Ships 5 days early, 14th of nov.
Gonna pre order whenever my bank server is up (fucking bastards) so I can transfer the funds over to my card. Hopefully the 14 remaining copies don't go by then.
Got these today:

Necromantia - Scarlet Evil, Witching Black (digipak)
Nokturnal Mortum - Mirrovozrennie (a.k.a. Weltanschauung)
Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis vs. the Earth
Samael - Blood Ritual/Worship Him (2CD)
Holocausto - Campo de Extermino

Thanks, dude in other thread!
Aeternus - And So the Night Became
Asgaut - Village
Primordial - Inrama / Journey's End
Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame
Primordial - Storm Before Calm
Primordial - To the Nameless Dead digibook