My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

I just wrapped up a few weeks of insane purchasing due to a small raise, and gift certificates and money received at xmas, and I have amassed an epic haul, spanning several different stores, both physical and virtual (this is including that Newbury Comics haul a week or so ago):

Absu - Tara
Ancalagon - First Age: Entering Legenda
Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi
Morrigan - Headcult
Secrets of the Moon - Antithesis
Secrets of the Moon - Stronghold of the Inviolables
Merrimack - ... Of Entropy and Life Denial
Godless Rising - Rising Hatred
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Borknagar - Olden Domain
Borknagar - The Archaic Course
Krohm - World Through Dead Eyes
Lunar Aurora - Elixir of Sorrow
Lunar Aurora - Mond
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun*
Hades - Again Shall Be*
Graveland - Immortal Pride
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction
Graveland - Creed of Iron
Graveland - Dawn of Iron Blades
Farsot - III
Lord Belial - Revelation: The 7th Seal
Hour of 13 - Hour of 13
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Enslaved - Eld
Shining - V: Halmstad
Helrunar - Frostnacht
Vreid - Kraft
Vreid - I Krig
Isole - Forevermore
Haive - Mieli Maassa
Kampfar - Kvass
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism

*I am actually eGay bidding on these two at the moment, but I'm confident I'll get them

Obviously theres a few "Uh, duh!" albums on there.

Now this is the kind of haul that brings a tear to my eye. :kickass:
Geasa - Fates Lost Son
OfficiumTriste - Ne Vivam
Deathevokation - The Chalice of Ages
Darkestrah- Epos
Arafel - The Way of Defender
Grimm- Heksenkringen
Darkspace - I
Ares Kingdom - Return to Dust
Astrofaes - Those Whose Past is Immortal
Evoken - Quietus
Falkenbach - En Their Medh Riki Fara
Graveland - Immortal Pride
Nae'Blis - Sketches of Reality
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Nyktalgia - S/T
Thronar - For Death and Glory
I grabbed Doomsword's most recent (and probably my favorite album of the year, holy shit) and Deathevokation.

My girlfriend bought me a Jameson t-shirt. She's so awesome.
And now for my latest irresponsible compulsive purchase from that weird antiques store that for some reason has a whole range of academic Egyptology books:

Primordial - To the Nameless Dead
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Witchcraft - The Alchemist
Deathevokation - Chalice of Ages
Drudkh - Estrangement
Agalloch - The White EP
Grayceon - Grayceon