My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Chaos Moon - Origin of Apparition
Darkspace - I
Forsaken - Anima Mundi
Kartikeya - The Battle Begins
Mirror of Deception - Forgone
Odious - Mirror of Vibrations
Drudkh - Estrangement

I need to stop.

and a new pc ;D
I don't even remember everything I've the top of my head:

A Mind Confused - Anarchos
Agalloch - The White EP
Agatus - The Weaving Fates
Alioth - Channeling Unclean Spirits MC
Altar Of Oblivion - The Shadow Era
Asphyx - The Rack
Church Bizarre - Church Bizarre MC
Death Mask - Exhumation
Degial - Awakening From Darkness MC
Diabolic Possession - Ripped To Piece MC
Discharge - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
Doomsword - My Name Will Live On
Eviscerated - Rituals Of Reanimation MC
Exploited, The - Punks Not Dead
GBH - City Baby Attacked By Rats
Hellrealm - Chaos And Fear And Death
Holy Martyr - Still At War
Hour Of 13 - Hour Of 13
Hour Of 13 - Hour Of 13 LP
In Aeturnum - Curse Of Devastation 7"
Lethal - Annihilation Agenda LP
Mael Mordha - Gealtacht Mael Mordha
Magnus - Scarlet Slaughterer LP
Mock - Mock
Mortuary Drape - Into The Drape/Mourn Path LP
Nightmare - Waiting For The Twilight
Nocturnal Graves - Satan's Cross Die Hard Pic LP
Primordial - To The Nameless Dead
Purtenance - Member Of Immortal Damnation
Reverend Bizarre - So Long Suckers
Rudimentary Peni - The EPs Of RP
Steel Assassin - War Of The Eight Saints
Tales Of Medusa - Triumphant Serenade LP
Tribulation - The Ascending Dead MC
Vulcano - Anthropophagy + Devil On My Roof
Wombbath - Internal Caustic Torments (second copy)
Lifting the Veil of Duality by Andreas Moritz

Looks kind of interesting

Not entirely related, but I'm currently reading [ame=""]this[/ame] and, remembering your taste in books, I'm thinking you might like it. All though I have to admit that it's one of the most challenging books I've ever read, not just that it's "philosophical", it presents something of a different way of thinking
Yeah, but I'll be more impressed once I finally get my new record player and I can listen to it on a not-completely-shit sound system. It was supposed to be a Christmas present, which was like 3 weeks ago. :erk:
Looks kind of interesting

Not entirely related, but I'm currently reading this and, remembering your taste in books, I'm thinking you might like it. All though I have to admit that it's one of the most challenging books I've ever read, not just that it's "philosophical", it presents something of a different way of thinking

Seems mildly intriguing.

About the book quoted. I am only 20 pages in so far but it seems rather "academic" to someone who is already familiar with the theme, and he uses some lame analogies imo. Also, so far, it seems like he is taking the angle of "self-help" which kind of aggravates the hell out of me. Based on the authors back history, he seems like a quack but I shall persist because I am really into the concept, or nonconcept if you will, of nonduality. It just makes sense to me.

I need to relocate to India for a few years tbh.
Seems mildly intriguing.

About the book quoted. I am only 20 pages in so far but it seems rather "academic" to someone who is already familiar with the theme, and he uses some lame analogies imo. Also, so far, it seems like he is taking the angle of "self-help" which kind of aggravates the hell out of me. Based on the authors back history, he seems like a quack but I shall persist because I am really into the concept, or nonconcept if you will, of nonduality. It just makes sense to me.

I need to relocate to India for a few years tbh.

Yeah, I was considering making a condescending comment about self help in regards to that book, but decided not to, since it might alienate you from my recommendation ;) Anyway, this Cutsinger book has non-duality as a pretty central theme, but, naturally, from an "esoteric" theist perspective.

I need to relocate to India for a few years tbh.

I guess that'd be pretty cool, but, In lack of money, just re-read Hesse's Siddharta
Spaffe, have you done any reading on Zen Buddhism?

LOL, that really makes no sense but you have to start somewhere. As much sense as even talking about nonduality. :lol:

Nope, though I've had it in mind for quite some time. Any recommendations on good books? There seems to be so much new age/hippie crap out there written on the subject, so a few pointers could be very useful

Hehe, it seems you can only get that far with rationality