My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

word nigga
Ooooooo I'll have to spin it about 5,000 more times to make it a fair comparison to Perdition City, but no doubt it is some of their finest work.

Tiamat - The Astral Sleep

Today I was wondering why I never listen to this album, and then I realized it was because I've never actually heard it. So I bought a cheap Argentinian pressing. Should be here in a month.
Dream Theater - Breaking the Fourth Wall Blu-Ray. This is good. I've never seen Awake songs live (that I can remember) or even on a vhs/dvd/bd. Seeing Pettrucci play the closing solo to "Lie" flawlessly is a real treat
My guitar broke at the neck. I already took the strings off and am going to save them (they were brand new). Is there anything else on the guitar that can be saved/sold/reused or should I just throw the fucking thing in the trash? It's a 2003 Ibanez RG lowest possible model....probably made by children.
If saving the $8 set of strings was seen as top priority, probably just throw the rest away.

Or send it to Frank so he can shoot/bbq it!
Danzig - Skeleton Skeletron
Mammatus - Sparkling Cider

I also sold several musical fuzzbox thingies to pay off some bills, but instead used the proceeds to purchase not only one, but two D*A*M pedals. I should've bought a new tent instead, I could really use a nice one for winter excursions. Oh well, I'll probably just sell all this shit in two weeks anyhow. And then still somehow neglect to purchase the very tent that might some day save my life.


I mean sure, I do understand that fabric dyes have natural variations, so the actual tent color may look slightly different from what is pictured, but still. My fellow exploration buddy has one of these fancy Swedish beauties, and it really is a wonderful thing, full of wonderment and beauty.
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also try Hypnotic Dirge and Sepulchral Productions. just picked up two Midnight Odyssey release for cheap.

im loving the strong dollar and cheap gas. lets keep it this way. fuck the oil industry