Three word reviews, recent purchases only, okay ready go!
Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls = Holy Fucking

Slayer - Repentless = Really Fucking Boring
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey = Pretty Gorram Good
Ascend - Ample Fire Within = Accessible Sunn O)))
Ulver - Messe I.X-VI.X (on CD) = Best Since PerditionCity
On Thorns I Lay - Orama = The '90s Ruled
Hypocrisy - Virus = One Great Song
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time = Good Headbangy Fun
Colour Haze - Ewige Blumenkraft = Not Worth $$$
Colour Haze - To The Highest Gods We Know = Best In Awhile
Uruk-Hai - Lost Songs From Middle Earth = Why Did I?
Skepticism - Alloy = Killer Closing Song
Noltem - Mannaz = Nicely Done, Max!