My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

HOTY (haul of the year)
I figure if I'm going to buy any 2015 albums, they better be really good. I haven't heard the new Agalloch/Tempel, but all you fuckers are saying it rules face, and the last one already did quite enough for me! OG RC respect, etc.

I streamed that Obsequiae album awhile back upon your fervent recommendation, and it was some of the most interesting black metal I'd heard in quite some time. Plus that album cover reminds me of the graveyard in The Tomb of Ligeia:


Asphalt driveway - $9440

:lol: Ken be rollin' hard wit 25 year old scotch, no mortgage, no car payment, no wife, givin' no fucks, laughin' at all us foolz.
Slightly disappointed in the new Obsequiae. It's decent enough and warrants a purchase surely, just not fellatio worthy. Too damn melodic/polished for my tastes. I don't always listen to melo, but when I do, I want it dirtaaaaaay.

Zebulon Pike - And Blood was Passion; Deafening Twilight; Intranscience; Space is the Corpse of Time

Going to get the Tempel and new Zebulon Pike shortly.
:lol: Ken be rollin' hard wit 25 year old scotch, no mortgage, no car payment, no wife, givin' no fucks, laughin' at all us foolz.

whatcha mean? this how me, dorian, JayK, and lurch roll. check me
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Slightly disappointed in the new Obsequiae. It's decent enough and warrants a purchase surely, just not fellatio worthy. Too damn melodic/polished for my tastes. I don't always listen to melo, but when I do, I want it dirtaaaaaay.


here's your problem- it's actually castle metal. now try listening again! pools of a vernal paradise is soooo good man
There are times I want kids. Other times, like yesterday, I walked by some dad with his 4 kids at the health food store. The eldest teenaged male was attempting to hit his younger sister with a 5 gallon jug of organic, fresh-pressed apple juice, right in her face. Nobody said a word, the father just collected a different bottle of juice from the shelf and kept moving as if nothing happened.
Some Adidas addisage slides - $25 at DSW

Some mulch

Some groceries and other shit

Coming soon - a new bike rack!
Never heard of
thanks though. I just used amazon
Im pretty sure im going to build my next bike. So im going to slowely buy parts. Always good to have another place to buy from.
Word. My dad gave me his '90 (or maybe '89) Trek 930. It's almost completely stock. I plan to strip it and rebuild it frame-up with maybe LX components. Nothing special, just fun.
No way. My newest rig is an '05 Cannondale Prophet. I've now had it longer than I did my '96 F500 that I thought was ancient when it got stolen in '04 :lol: