My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

I am gonna go with Etrade because I remember liking their Super Bowl commercials about 15 years ago. "He's got money coming out the wazoo!"

Also the place I normally buy silver from has had to stop silver sales for the time being. Shit is going mad and I can taste this fuckin' car already...

Oh, looks like the retailers are storming into silver right now.
they absolutely are not. i mean, some people are, but not the WSB reddit crew.

this is 100% fake news. do not listen to wsj/bloomberg/cnbc/cnn/bbc/reuters/etc. there is NO movement on reddit to buy silver. it is 100% misdirection to fool people into thinking silver is "the next big thing" because the same people who have lost billions on shorting GME are long on a lot of silver. divide and conquer; the oldest trick in the book

look at the threads. there is no silver squeeze. there will never be a silver squeeze. they are using media as a tool to lie about silver being the Next Big Thing so boomers invest in it and it pumps up the price. then the hedge funds will sell and the price will tank and you will be crying forever if you buy silver now.

if i already owned silver i would probably sell all of it immediately because it is going to tank bad once they sell off enough to cover their GME losses

~this is not financial advice~
i've actually never seen the media lie so blatantly in my life, and this time i know what's true -- i've followed it all go down live because i've been refreshing wsb like an idiot these last days trying to stay on top of what's happening because i want to make the best of my investment, err, gamble

"reddit investors target precious metals"

no, they do literally not actually do this thing. it is just not true. you are completely making it up (or taking people who are making it up at face value without spending even five minutes to try and research it before you air it)

every post trying to shill silver is downvoted into oblivion and deleted within single-digit minutes of being posted because it is obvious that they're all bots or paid shills
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they absolutely are not. i mean, some people are, but not the WSB reddit crew.

this is 100% fake news. do not listen to wsj/bloomberg/cnbc/cnn/bbc/reuters/etc. there is NO movement on reddit to buy silver. it is 100% misdirection to fool people into thinking silver is "the next big thing" because the same people who have lost billions on shorting GME are long on a lot of silver. divide and conquer; the oldest trick in the book

look at the threads. there is no silver squeeze. there will never be a silver squeeze. they are using media as a tool to lie about silver being the Next Big Thing so boomers invest in it and it pumps up the price. then the hedge funds will sell and the price will tank and you will be crying forever if you buy silver now.

if i already owned silver i would probably sell all of it immediately because it is going to tank bad once they sell off enough to cover their GME losses

~this is not financial advice~
hahaha this makes it even more hilarious. Awesome. Maybe I should finally sign up for Reddit and be more informed. Y'all remember when Twinkies sold for $75 for a small a box a few years ago? That was a weird one for about 2 weeks.

I bought my silver years ago and only did so because:

1) it was very cheap at the time

2) silver bars with dragons on them are cool

I keep my ~80 ounce collection in an old fuzz pedal box, if it ever goes up to $100 an ounce I'd sell half. And if it plummets to $1 an ounce I'll still have cool silver dragons to fondle.
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Yeah man, the Hostess factory shut down for a few months in 2012 and people started hoarding Twinkies and selling them for top dollar on Craig's List. It didn't last long at all, and obviously Twinkies are still as plentiful as diabetes.
i've actually never seen the media lie so blatantly in my life, and this time i know what's true -- i've followed it all go down live because i've been refreshing wsb like an idiot these last days trying to stay on top of what's happening because i want to make the best of my investment, err, gamble

Yeah, it's really fucking something, isn't it. Even reputable newspapers in Norway are picking up on the $SLV story and running with it. Gotta say I'm impressed that so few retailers are being duped into selling by these false reports and the blatant market manipulation/short ladder attacks (which I thought were illegal, someone should notify the SEC lulz), though, some extremely strong diamond hands out there. Even though WSB is littered with memes, it is relatively easy to find the most important info there (for instance the fact that the hedge funds aren't successfully exiting their short positions, as opposed to what the WSJ et al claim), and the mods/users are doing a great job on calling out the accounts spewing nonsense about the low-end metal known as silver.
Trickster G. on the money. Speaking of, I went to this Ulver show at a whim a couple of years back. I think it was a one-off with the music specifically written for this event.

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Ugh, I'm so jealous. The wife and I had tickets to their US west coast date but they cancelled the whole thing. Max said it was cuz their east coast show was awful, haha.

Still, I watch that live DVD they did and it is spellbinding. Some day I will see the Wolves Entertain.
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(for instance the fact that the hedge funds aren't successfully exiting their short positions, as opposed to what the WSJ et al claim)
yeah, i'm stupid in my idiot brain but surely they cannot be exiting to any significant degree, right? the volumes are so fucking low, and if you look at the trades that are actually taking place the majority of it is ladder attacks of 100 shares here and 100 shares there being thrown from hedge fund to hedge fund in ever lower hundredth-cent decrements.

so where the fuck are the trades that supposedly covered your MILLIONS of shorted shares with an estimated days-to-cover of like three days?

i'm sure they maybe cut their losses on some of the worst, most toxic shorts but the majority must still be there and they are just not reporting it.
Yeah, the volume is way too low, the vast majority of today's movement is just the expected short ladder attacks. Some good explanations here:

This one's good as well:

Their number of "fails-to-deliver" shares as of 15 January was 621 483, but fuck knows what that number is now (and whether the original number was correct).

Failing to deliver: Selling stock short and failing to deliver shares at the time of settlement with the purpose of driving down the security’s price. This manipulative activity, in general, would violate various securities laws, including Rule 10b-5 under the Exchange Act.

But what do I know. I can barely read!
I'm waiting for funds to go into my new Etrade account so I won't get to buy any GME stock until late this week. I'm new at this shit, didn't realize I'd have to wait on stupid bank time. Credit cards are so much easier CLICK=DEBT and that's it.

I was willing to blow $500 on two shares this morning, but by the time Thursday rolls around I doubt I'll want to do more than $150 a share. By then it'll be worth $17 or $5,039 who fuckin' knows.

Oh and I went pokin' through my silver stash and found this hilariously heavy metal coin:

Death and:or Debt.jpg
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On Fidelity, my money didn't even clear yet and my shares were bought. *shrug*

edit: It's cleared now but wasn't when the transaction went down.

edit 2: this shit has got me going crazy since late last week. all i have been reading about lately is companies and their stock. wtf is wrong with me?
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