My Latest Purchases Thread

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Erik said:
Actually the volume does fluctuate slightly, especially on the first track, on all tapes as far as I know. Tapes are quite unpredictable. It shouldn't be too much of a problem, I find it completely listenable and hope it sounds alright for you as well... Guess a bad tape deck will make matters worse though; let me know if you want MP3's or anything.

there's a quite strong fluctuation espceially on the first track; the left channel goes from normal to almost nothing every three seconds or so. the fluctuation is surely made worse by the tape deck itself; it's older than i am hehe

well i was going to rip it anyway, so you'd spare me some work by sending me mp3s. and i'd be grateful :)
Who the fuck keeps giving a low rating to this thread? Do we have some invisible people that hate people that buy CDs or something?
Hammers of Misfortune - The Bastard

And a kickass beanie with their logo on it. :headbang:

Heh. I was just browsing through total holocaust records and saw Undergang at the top of the new release section. I really need to set up a paypal account or something.
If you want the tape (if you haven't already gotten it through Erik and I'm happily ignorant), just send a few bucks cash and you won't need any damn gaypal account bullshit. Those bastards take a few percent of the money we recieve anyways, so bla bla bla afjsdfgoäöasgjhargäfg

EDIT: this is all to EVAS, but that damn tranquillian sneaked in before me so it might not be as obvious anymore.
Just ordered:

Xasthur- Funeral of Being T-shirt
Xasthur- A Gate through Blood stained Mirrors (new re-release)
Xasthur/ Angra Mainyu- Split Release

I have $7 to my name now. Hurray.
I think that should cover shipping also, just send the cash and your address to me or Erik (Addresses found at and you'll get your tape. No coins. Maybe you're interested in a shirt too? We've only got XL left so you better be at least a little fat.

EDIT: Oh, and Tranquillian, is postage included in the prices at If they are I'll probably order some stuff from there soon.
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