My Latest Purchases Thread

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Hooray! Did you enjoy it? The money exchanger-place didn't want your $20-bill though because it had a microscopical red stain and they don't take money with paint on, I hate them. I'll buy stuff from america with it instead.
Heh. Sorry about that. Yea ive listened to the tape already, it sounds great. My copies sounds dosent fluctuate as bad as some people have said theres have so thats a plus.
How lame, I've bought stuff with a ripped in half and taped back together bill before. :tickled:

I don't think we have an Official Royal Carnage Bathory thread so I'll put this here:
I'm really glad I picked up Hammerheart even though Blood Fire Death didn't do much for me. Hammerheart kicks ass, in particular One Rode to Asa Bay.
It's lame as fuck, I know, but there's not much I can do about it. I guess it's differen with money that just goes round and round than stuff you give banks and similar, though, regular stores are not that gay here. There are always hot chix working where I usually exchange money, though.

Hammerheart does indeed kick ass, but I do NOT see you can not get an erection from BFD. Now get the rest if you don't have them, feel free to start with Twilight and BoI
Black Winter Day said:
i hear that if you like bathory's music, then you like their music. i wonder if that's true...
More Deep Thoughts. :tickled:

Blood Fire Death is cool, but it didn't make me go "omglgomzlozglzog I need more of this stuff" like Hammerheart is about to, and I've only listened to it twice.
I'm bored:

Twilight of the Gods > Hammerheart > Blood Fire Death > Nordland II > Nordland I > Blood on Ice

Those are the only ones I have.
Traded in some old shit, mostly crappy power metal.
Got these:

Ensiferum - Iron (new digipak)
Pest - Desecration (new)
Blaze - Blood & Belief (new)
Carcass - Necroticism - descanting the insalubrious (new)
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Entombed - Sons of satan praise the lord
Fleshcrawl - Bloodred massacre
Sacramentum - Finis Malorum
Himinbjörg - Third
Grave Digger - Masterpieces
Darkane - Insanity
BWD, did you know that mwas just released and is avalible at least from Shamaatae himself, Blut&Eisen (who printed it) and a few more distros? What was the grand total?
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