My Latest Purchases Thread

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J. said:
And the NSBM thing with Graveland cannot be called a gimmick. Graveland are a Pagan band first and foremost. The majority of their lyrics deal wit Wotan, Viking, Odin and all that Epic imagery. A very few songs deal with racist stuff, but it is far more subtle than say, Arghoslent who use lyrics with "my pals". And since when is a beliefe, no matter how detestable, a gimmick? Does this mean Christian bands like Extol use their beliefs as a gimmick?
I agree with you.

However, unless you know these people personally, it's all speculative right? Just to be devil's advocate, how do you know he's not just using that subject matter of pagan ancestary etc. because he's not creative enough to come up with something more original? In real life, his best friend might be a black dude!

*Many* people who buy Graveland and Burzum CDs buy them because they are NSBM or whatever, and that's all they need to know. They would buy them regardless of whether they like the actual music or not. So the selling point becomes the subject matter (racism, NSBM, anti-semitic, anti-whatever), and that then becomes the gimmick.

Selling Point = Gimmick. See what I'm saying?
Well, I have to agree with you there. But that's a dangerous game, as it can be pointed out that almost every band has a gimmick that helps them sell records whether it be racist lyrics, corpsepaint, female singers, gore lyrics, LOTR imagery, anything.

And while I have no reason to believe Darken is using the Viking/NSBM thing for his own personal gain (seriously, it would have been easier to pick pop music than NSBM), I see this point as well.

But my other point stil stands. Boycotting Graveland because of something written in a CD boklet and then going to listen to Burzum is kinda....well...hypocritical.
J. said:
Well, I have to agree with you there. But that's a dangerous game, as it can be pointed out that almost every band has a gimmick that helps them sell records whether it be racist lyrics, corpsepaint, female singers, gore lyrics, LOTR imagery, anything.

And while I have no reason to believe Darken is using the Viking/NSBM thing for his own personal gain (seriously, it would have been easier to pick pop music than NSBM), I see this point as well.

But my other point stil stands. Boycotting Graveland because of something written in a CD boklet and then going to listen to Burzum is kinda....well...hypocritical.
Yep, we're on the same page.

Based on what I've seen or heard about Graveland or Thor's Hammer, nothing really surprises me with their shock value (intended or not). To be honest, I thought the most offensive thing to date was the cover to "Fate Worse Than Death". That's not even political, it's just infantile & retarded IMO.

By the way, the thing that prevents me from listening to Graveland is Darken's vocals. They never really worked for me to be honest. "Immortal Pride" would have sounded better if he let someone else do the vox. Oh well...
JayKeeley said:
Based on what I've seen or heard about Graveland or Thor's Hammer, nothing really surprises me with their shock value (intended or not). To be honest, I thought the most offensive thing to date was the cover to "Fate Worse Than Death". That's not even political, it's just infantile & retarded IMO.
Yes, it was quite stupid. It almost looks like Capricornus is trying to attract attention. Look no further than the cover of Thor's Hammer's "Three Weeds From the Same Root" for verification that he's just trying to ruffle some feathers.

On that cover, he takes a stab at Islam, which before 9/11, no metal band had attacked (at least not as much as Christianity).

By the way, the thing that prevents me from listening to Graveland is Darken's vocals. They never really worked for me to be honest. "Immortal Pride" would have sounded better if he let someone else do the vox. Oh well...
Yeah, he sounds like a strangled Kermit sometimes. I like it though, and think it fits the music.
Speakig of Burzum, I'm gonna give Vargie another try. My appreciation for (mid-paced) black metal has grown eponentially over the past few months. I remember liking the actual music, but like JayK with Graveland, I just couldn't get past Varg's vocals.

I never did hear Filsofem (sp?). Are his vocals less Vargish on that one?
Why is it strange that Thor's Hammer strikes a blow against Islam? The reason for most to charge first and foremost at christianity is that they're he ones who fucked with us first, longest and most. That doesn't mean judaism and islam are good, just not as bad IMO. If they all go live in Israel I doubt they will bother me much.

You guys have said more stupid things too but I'm too lazy to point it out and correct you all.
Here's the cover:


It's strange because you just don't see it very often in metal. We're very much used to bands singing anti-Christianity lyrics, but name me a band that sings anti-Islam lyrics. I'm not saying it's good or bad, just different.
Golgolot is a jewish one-man "black metal" band which strongly opposes Islam. They (he) probably suck. I've seen that cover, The Fate Worse than Death is funnier.
"Cursed are the slaves of Islam
For they shall be slain
Religion of the lowest minds
Allah is dead"

-- Unleashed

It's not strange that few bands sing about crushing Islam and killing muslims. Metal is mainly European. Christianity is a plague upon our lands, Islam is not. Case dismissed.
J. said:
Speakig of Burzum, I'm gonna give Vargie another try. My appreciation for (mid-paced) black metal has grown eponentially over the past few months. I remember liking the actual music, but like JayK with Graveland, I just couldn't get past Varg's vocals.

I never did hear Filsofem (sp?). Are his vocals less Vargish on that one?
Thanks for that. I've told you to listen to Filosofem before. Yes, they're distorted and so don't sound much like his charasteristic screams. Just buy it, it's his second best after HLTO.
2/3 of it go off on tangents about LaVey and Varg. The actual story of black metal is good, and the overview of black metal in other countries is cool, but this comprises a small portion of an otherwise boring book.
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