Jeez people, if you're going to boycott Graveland because of Darken's ideals, all of you might as well throw your Nokturnal Mortum, Burzum, and Arghoslent CDs out the window. Fuck.
Like Jay said, why is this Timothy McVeigh "dedication" the thing that finally pushes all of you to boycott or finally question Darken? I absolutely love the music he creates in Graveland, but reading his "White Warrior fight Christianity" hubbub just makes me laugh.
And the NSBM thing with Graveland cannot be called a gimmick. Graveland are a Pagan band first and foremost. The majority of their lyrics deal wit Wotan, Viking, Odin and all that Epic imagery. A very few songs deal with racist stuff, but it is far more subtle than say, Arghoslent who use lyrics with "my pals". And since when is a beliefe, no matter how detestable, a gimmick? Does this mean Christian bands like Extol use their beliefs as a gimmick?
Like I said, I hope you are all, at this moment, getting rid of your Burzum CDs if you find Graveland so repulsive. Last time I looked, Darken hasn't murdered anybody.