My Latest Purchases Thread

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My package from Morbid Winter has arrived:

Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Burzum - Filosofem
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (2003 Peaceville reissue)
Dub Buk - Idu Na Vy!
Enslaved - Frost
Enslaved - Eld
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysbar Ty
Geimhre - Cogadh (Tape)
Hate Forest - Most Ancient Ones
Hate Forest - Purity
Negura Bunget - Maiastru Sfetnic
Sig:ar:tyr - The Stranger

I'm completely confused on what I should listen to first.
oh shit, I just realized that every song on Hate Forest - The Most Ancient Ones is on "the curse" demo on "To Twilight Thickets"

oops :loco:

I probobly would have gotten it eventually anyway
yeah, I ordered both those Hate Forests as well, but like you, I would have gotten both of them eventually. Plus, they were both $10, and To Twilight Thickets is limited to only 500 hand numbered copies.
Erik said:
Snug as in "too snug" or "just right"?
Just right :kickass:

Dead Zeppelin: A Tribute To Led Zeppelin
Morbid Angel - Gateways To Annihilation
Motorhead - We Are Motorhead

Cheers Evil C :) Morbid Angel has gone down very well. Been meaning to get that bloody album for the last four years...
Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Burzum - Filosofem
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (2003 Peaceville reissue)
Enslaved - Frost
Enslaved - Eld
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysbar Ty
Hate Forest - Purity
Negura Bunget - Maiastru Sfetnic
I'm completely confused on what I should listen to first.
"Pale Folklore"

Great fucking haul.
$41.80 shipped, from a guy on ebay

Holmgang - Runens advarsel
Trollech - Synove lesu
Trollech - V rachotu hromu
Morrigan - Enter the sea of flames
Morrigan - Plague, waste and death

My ex-girlfriend from Portugal just sent me a cd where she is doing some vocals. It's a split out on Iron Pegasus Records (Same company as Desaster and Deströyer 666 have released stuff on).
Decayed/Urn - "The nameless wraith"/"Morbid Death"
FINALLY got my two Xasthur releases from THR.
"A gate through..."
"Split" (w/ Angra Mainyu)

"A Gate..." is incredible. Beautifully dark and bubbling with hateful energy. This is perhaps Malefic's finest work.
found these used:

Karaboudjan - Sbrodj (for a mere $4)
Sacramentum - The Coming of Chaos
Sacramentum - Thy Black Destiny

The first shirt design Dark Tranquillity ever sold is now in my possession.
Yay for Arghoslent. Opeth17 will be throwing away those Blopeth (haha, I made a funnay) albums in no time.


Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
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