My Latest Purchases Thread

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Erik said:
Woods of Ypres "Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth" promo (thanks David Gold)s
So the promo went to you direct? I was wondering where that was. Ok well, I guess it saved me the postage to Sweden. :tickled:

(Erik - check your e-mails - got an update on Fenriz and our trade etc).
Just sent money for:

Watain - The Ritual Macabre TAPE
Weakling - Dead as Dreams TAPE

Damn it, I just noticed THR has Temple of Baal "Servants of the Beast."
Arckanum - Fran Marder LP
Horna - Perimä vihasta ja veri kostosta 10"

I should get these two on saturday.
Caelum Adustum said:
Damn it, I just noticed THR has Temple of Baal "Servants of the Beast."

i thought of checking that one out as well but the reviews i read were pretty tepid in general and made me change my mind. have you heard any of it or is it just a chance purchase?
spaffe said:
i thought of checking that one out as well but the reviews i read were pretty tepid in general and made me change my mind. have you heard any of it or is it just a chance purchase?

I've downloaded MP3s from their website (albeit none were from this album) and they sound pretty good, not the best BM I've ever heard but good.
SWANS - Cop/Young God + Greed/Holy Money (Doom metal!?!?!? Shit, this rules.)
THROES OF DAWN - Dreams of the Black Earth
EMERSON LAKE AND PALMER - Pictures at an Exhibition
LEVIATHAN - The Tenth Sub-Level of Suicids
NEKTAR - Journey to the Center of the Eye
GENESIS - From Genesis to Revelation (vinyl)

There is no need to reiterate how much I rule.
I tried to buy The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway last night but Columbia House wouldn't let me use my boner points. I cursed them.
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