Hell Bent For Leather!
I couldn't resistMarksveld said:AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHFSHSFHFLHAHHAHAHAHHA MOST IRONIC PHRASE EVERRRRRRR. On par with "its weird... my copy of Blood of Heroes is printed in Hewbrew"
I couldn't resistMarksveld said:AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHFSHSFHFLHAHHAHAHAHHA MOST IRONIC PHRASE EVERRRRRRR. On par with "its weird... my copy of Blood of Heroes is printed in Hewbrew"
One Inch Man said:Always thought this dude was overrated at best, gay and lying at worst.
Erik said:It's "arisk". I don't know wherever the fuck everyone got the "y" from, because that's wrong in any Nordic language.
Exactly. Fuck off, it's not funny.Henrik Main said:Yeah, it's been annoying me for a while too. All the foreigners rambling on about "NORSK ARYSK BLACK METAL WOOOO" when trying to be funny and mock black metal.
Erik said:It's "arisk". I don't know wherever the fuck everyone got the "y" from, because that's wrong in any Nordic language.
Henrik Main said:
On a slightly related note - this is an excerpt from my Religion school book "Reliigon & Ethics":
"Satanisme er et svært begrenset fenomen, men har ofte fått store oppslag i massemediene. Sataniske effekter og symboler er dessuten kjent fra enkelte moderne popgrupper"
"Den mest berømte satanisten i vår tid er Anton La Vey (...) Det mest karakteristiske for satanistene er "Den svarte messen", en slags blasfemisk parodi på den katolske messen. En bekjenner sin tro på Satan eller Antikrist, håner den hellige nattverd ved å drikke blod av ofrede dyr osv."
"Hvordan skal en møte satanisme og kirkebranner? Er det noe seriøst å diskutere, eller er det bare å overse og tie i hjel?"
emperor magus caligula: "When we play it's not just a concert... It's a ritual... To Satan, of course" or something like thatspaffe said:The book my class used on the other hand, had a picture of Dark Funeral in chapter on satanismit's a hard one, but I'd almost say that's worse than claiming laveyans sacrifice animals.
This one I think.
fotmbm said:emperor magus caligula: "When we play it's not just a concert... It's a ritual... To Satan, of course" or something like that