the summoning album is sort of. . . not *boring*, but. . . not all that engaging. . . but still kicks ass; it is more of a "peripheral" album, not something to grab you at first. . .
the amorphis cd OWNS. i don't know why some give this adequate reviews. . . i absoultely love it! it may be their best since elegy! and this coming from a longtime amorphis fan. there is noting exceptionally technical here. or melodically beautiful, like my boardname. but the SONGS! these are some of the best songs the band has written. just listen to the lead riffs on 'day of your beliefs' and you will se what i mean. a great song, one of the many the album has to offer.
objectively, this sounds like a cross between elegy's mellower passages (see 'weeper. . .") and am universum's radio-friendly catchiness (see "alone") yet does not come of sounding like either of the two.
the lyrics represent a return to the style found on tuonela. . . more stuff about evil and nature, not about women on their periods

(this is probably not true, but anyone who bought amorphis' last album will know what song i'm talking about)
overall 9.3/10
i may be the only one to do this, but. . .
leading candidate for album of the year
buy it! you may not feel the same appreciation i do for it, but i definitely do not think you will be disappointed if you were a fan of elegy or tuonela
btw, i bought it at *dum dum dum*. . . THE END!