My Latest Purchases Thread

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NAD said:

I've never seen the movie though (Run Ronnie Run).

I just watched it a little while ago. It was good. I can see thought why Bob and David don't like it at all. It could have been alot better. There are some hilarious parts though. All in all, worth seeing.
Red Stream Sale!! Woohoo!

Aeternus - Dark Sorcery
Ancient - Det Glemte Ricket
Viking Crown - Unorthodox Steps of Ritual
Ishtar - Diabolical Hymns
Bethlehem - Profane Fetmilch Lenzt Elf Krank
Cabal - Midian
this post is entitle I AM THE MAN!!!

note: none of these were ordered from anywhere. . .


BLACKMORE'S NIGHT - Shadow of the Moon


IN THE WOODS. . . - Omnio

IN THE WOODS. . . - Strange In Stereo

ULVER - A Quick Fix of Melancholy

EDGE OF SANITY - The Spectral Sorrows
Good haul, but what does this mean?

Black Winter Day said:
note: none of these were ordered from anywhere. . .
Hey - if we're talking new hauls, I got a certain special edition of Dawn of the Dead in the mail today, muwahahaha.
awesome! you watched it yet?

and that statement meant that i found all these in a store! damn, i bought some strange stuff (maybe it just seemed that way cause i was on the road forever), but i love it! the blackmore's night started out brilliant but kinda loses it somewhere along the way. . . but i still like this style and some of the songs are downright amazing. i will have to check them out some more (richie can do no wrong, it seems)

and what can i say about the diabolical masquerade? not enough. if i were a member of royal carnage i would be reviewing this right. now.
Black Winter Day said:
awesome! you watched it yet?
Nah man - with the baby and all, I have to be selective with my timing. I have checked it though and it works fine on my DVD player. This weekend though, for sure. Please let me know when you get your CDs.

and what can i say about the diabolical masquerade? not enough. if i were a member of royal carnage i would be reviewing this right. now.
Do me a favor and read this you bastard:

Please take the time and read it (I know it's long, but how could I have left anything out?). Appreciate your feedback based on what you think of the CD.
Black Winter Day said:
that nokturnal mortum album is fucking VICIOUS. what i wanna know is. . . why did they get rascist all of a sudden?
You know - I don't know. I'll be honest with you - I own this album, but I have yet to listen to it. Goat Horns, Lunar Poetry, and Blasphemous Fire all took precedence for some reason...

...but yes, they went anti-semitic, and The End dropped them like a bad habit.
from what i hear, they only picked this sort of thing up as their career went along. bandwagon-syndrome? i think it is a disgrace. . . 3 of the best extreme metal bands are rascist pigs (burzum, graveland, nm). but it doesn't detract from the music, but it is still a fucking shame.

and i agree with your deaths design review. . . there are some riffs that are so shitty, ugly and pedestrian that i thought "man, this album is gonna go to shit" and then BAM! instant beauty, in a vocal line, a string section, or a melodic keyboard riff. this is the only album that can go from shit to shangri-la in less than 1.43 seconds. luckily, the shitty parts aren't all that frequent. in my opinon, the contrasts in this album are the center of its appeal. it's all about the contrast. . . if it was all nasty, mediocore riffs, this thing would be in a used bin already. if it were all beauty, it would find itself sandwiched between my vivaldi and mozart cds (it would have no chance of ever getting played then!) the contrasts are key.
It was for those reasons that made the review tough. I'm on the lookout for other DM releases.

If it's fucked up "contrasts" you're after, you need to hear some SIGH. They started as black metal with some twists with Scorn (I think they were the first band Euronymous signed), and lately they've delved into bits and pieces of everything. And I mean, EVERYTHING. Imaginary Sonicscape is a mind trip between the worlds of black metal, gore, japanese punk, opera, and lounge music.
- Virus - Carheart
- When - Pearl Harvest
- Edge of Sanity - Crimson II
- Aaskereia - Mit Raben und Wölfen
...and finally
- Helheim - Jormundgand (fuck, I love this one!!!)

Hey guys, your site rocks! It seems to be the only one around the web that has a detailed review about Helheim´s "Jormundgand". Thanks to your review I purchased the album! :rock:

phyre, you have the "Niðr ok Norðr liggr Helvegr"-Demotape, right?
Does the vocalstyle on the demototape have anything in common with "Jormundgand"?
Verago said:
- Helheim - Jormundgand (fuck, I love this one!!!)
I just listened to this. Fuck, it is INCREDIBLE. Good buy.

Verago said:
phyre, you have the "Niðr ok Norðr liggr Helvegr"-Demotape, right?
Does the vocalstyle on the demototape have anything in common with "Jormundgand"?
Yes, the demo has both vocal styles and is also otherwise much in the same style as "Jormundgand." It even has two songs that later would end up on the album: "Gravlagt i Eljudne" and "Jotnevandring." I believe you can still get it from

Thanks for the feedback, it's great to hear that the review actually makes people buy the album, it's such an overlooked gem in the Norwegian 90's scene...

Erik (formerly known as phyre)
Erik said:
Yes, the demo has both vocal styles and is also otherwise much in the same style as "Jormundgand." It even has two songs that later would end up on the album: "Gravlagt i Eljudne" and "Jotnevandring." I believe you can still get it from
Yes - I think they do. I'm still waiting for my CDs however, but I assume the mail to the USA takes a longer time. :(

Erik (formerly known as phyre)
Congratulations on the name change. How did you manage it in the end - did Russell help out?
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