My Latest Purchases Thread

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Okay I went apeshit today on Swans, still waiting on the outcome of 3 bids.

Neurosis & Jarboe
Swans - Soundtracks for the Blind
Unida - Coping With the Urban Coyote (Ebay sCCOCOCOSOROOSOEOOSE)

Celebrating some kickass rare purchases while paying off half my debt by having a beer, enjoying a few smokes, and watching Curb Your Enthusiasm. Whoa Bundy.
Doomcifer said:
Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory of The Bizarre Reverend re-issue w/ Return to The Rectory bonus CD....FUCKIN A!!!!!

I had to get it just for the extra, NEW cd!!!!

This is where you decide to trade/sell your old Rectory CD to me :)
Mos def, but I don't have any duplicate Agalloch recordings. I have three different recordings of Ulver "Vargnatt" though (none of which is the original) and both the original and Digi of Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" and "Skydancer", "Of Chaos and Eternal Night" as well as the "Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night" re-release, and I wouldn't part with any of these, so yeah I understand you. :)
Angel Witch - Angel Witch

I think the only stuff I have several versions of is Metallica, Toxic Holocaust and my bands

EDIT: The Flag of Hate ep is a bonus both on my PtK cd and Endless Pain LP as well
Erik said:
"Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night" re-release
Does yours sometimes act funny when playing? For example, if I want to play mine in the car, I can't skip tracks, because if I try the stereo won't read the CD. The CD doesn't have any scratches or anything, so I don't know what's up.
Nope. Then again, this isn't the re-designed US version on Century Media that you probably have. Whine to CM to replace the defective CD and they probably will.
Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith CD
Clandestine Blaze/Deathspell Omega CD

And few that I haven't got confirmation about my order yet:

Angantyr - Kampen Fortsätter LP
LIK - Må Ljuset Aldrig Nå Oss Mer LP
The Horn of Valere - Blood of the heathen ancients cd I got was quite brilliant for a demo compilation. Something like a black metal version of Amon Amarth with longer songs and less vocals. Deathgasm records has it for $9, 66 minutes of quality metal.
I got in my Royal Carnage T-Shirt today. its fucking HUGE. oh well, at least I (might) be able to get (a) some chick(s) by brandishing its erectile organ stimulating presence to the general public.
It would work up to a point, but not too much... like I wouldn't do that

I'm also too young to get married... try in a few years... unless you want to live in a crumbling (possibly haunted) old house away from civilization. That's the only land I can inherit. o_O
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