My Latest Purchases Thread

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Your dick is so small one sperm feels like a torpedo!
Your dick is so small you thought you had your first pube but then you peed out of it!

Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Because my copy was lost/stolen and I'm tired of not listening to it. :mad:
Me too (I first heard it 11 years ago but didn't like it then, it wasn't MEEEETTTTTTUUUUUUUHHHHHHLLLLLLLLL enough), until my copy grew legs and ran away.

Last time I replaced a lost copy of a CD, I found the original about a year later, and then found a third copy that somehow ended up in my possession. Weird.
Yes I did about a week ago, I forgot to say something. I haven't listened yet, but they are in my Sacred (and Now Organized) Pile of CD-Rs awaiting my listening pleasure.

BWD, enjoy. :)
Nevermore - Politics of Ecstasy

Bought brand new. I bought this mainly because it was cheap for a brand new CD. ANd you know, it's pretty good. The vocals aren't near as "bad" as I thought they'd be.
PoE is pretty good. Nice technical metal and Nevermore's second best album, the best being "Dreaming Neon Black".

unfortunately I have never been able to find "Politics" in stores for a decent price so I've been meaning to buy it for a good year and a half but haven't done it yet.
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