My Latest Purchases Thread

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Erik said:
I guess it's a way to preserve some sort of commerce/industry in Sweden because everything's RIDIFUCKINGLUOSLY expensive round here

Are you kidding, or have you just never visitied your neighbouring country? There are like hordes of norwegians migrating to Sweden every weekend, because everything is so freakishly cheap there (booze and meat, at least).

Anyways, I replaced some long lost Iron Maiden albums, 'cause there's a sale at CDON. So I bought Killers, Powerslave and Seventh Son.
Megadeth - So far, so good... So what? LP
Megadeth - Peace Sells... LP
Candlemass - Ancient Dreams LP
Anthrax - Fistful of Metal LP
Venom - Possessed LP
Blut Aus Nord - twwtg cd
JayKeeley said:
Tell me more.

The digipak is really nice. It has gold embossed lettering on a few places and nice layout, and best of all - liner notes to all songs and a short story. I haven't seen the dvd yet.

It's the music that is the best part though.
Is the story about aliens? Like the radiohead CD stories. :p

I haven't bought anything in the past few... months(?) I should.
This just in today-

Primordial - Imrama : This was an impulse buy, and unfortanutly in the "first run hit or miss" session, it was a miss. It's not bad or anything, but structurally (not in any way musically) it reminds me of Zyklon, and how I never listened to the CDs I had. I'll give it a few more spins, and if it doesn't click I'll put it up for trade.

Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja : It's Moonsorrow, what do you expect? This one is an absolute classic... (I've heard it plenty of times before this purchase).
Myst IV - Revelation

This is about the second video game in 8 years I've paid more than $19.99 for, the last being Unreal Tournament 2004 ($39.99 w/ $20 rebate), and before that probably... Xenogears when it first came out. It comes with Myst III - Exile, so that was my justification. :loco:
I went through it a second time last year, it was quite a thrill because I had forgotten many of the crazy parts, and now the complex story is still relatively fresh in my head. Easily one of my three favorite video games ever (the other two being Ys I & II and Final Fantasy VI).

Sadly, Xenosaga didn't quite hold my interest. I got up to about 10 hours in that game 5 months ago and haven't played it since. I'll go back to it and all, but Xenogears was one of those I MUST PLAY 8 HOURS A DAY EVERY DAY games.
The only game that ever rivaled it, in my mind at least, FF7 and perhaps Suikoden2. I haven't played Xenosaga yet, and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I ever will. I bought a PS2 when they firs entered the market, but unfortunately, Xenosaga was never released on the europian market, and it's such a hassle to get an imported version of the game... But I remember dearly looking out the window in my appartment, suddenly realizing I've been playing Xenogears so long the sun had started to rise... Good times...
Never played Suikoden 2, I wasn't blown away with the first one so never bothered. It was good, just not amazing. A friend of mine has it though, perhaps I'll borrow it from him now (my copy of Suikoden was lost years ago). I'm surprised Xenosaga isn't available over there, that sucks. Looks like part II was just released in North America, I'll wait until if/when I finish the first to decide. My friend that got me into Xenogears way back when says he likes Xenosaga better, but only after going through it the whole way. Honestly it's pretty tough, some of the bosses are just frustrating. I know he was stuck at the end for a long time (like me at the end of FFX right now :bah: ).
Suikoden 2 is basically the sme as the first, but with better graphics and a better storyline. And a good storyline is my number one priority the few times I decide to play an RPG. I've contemplated getting Suikoden 3 and 4, but once again, hard to come by on this side of the pond... D:

I remember finishing FFX, but I don't really remember it. I found it to be a bland game, with little to offer except exceptional graphics. Needless to say, I never got FFX-2. I'm looking forward to FFXII, though...
Oh yeah, story is number one priority in an RPG. I can look past shoddy gameplay if it has a great story, the first Suikoden didn't have that real gripping storyline. Although I had just gone through Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI for the first time, so anything was going to pale in comparison. :D

I thoroughly enjoyed FFX up until getting stuck (I'll beat it, someday), but it was mostly a how a great RPG should look and play rather than a great story. Story is good and all, but nothing new really with no real HOLY SHIT moments. But the battle system, graphics, challenge, and everything else is damn near perfect. I don't have any interest in FFX-2, the whole pop singer thing looks pretty vomit inducing.

I don't really know anything about XII, but XI I never played and didn't really want to. I've never played a MMORPG and don't have much desire to, I prefer immersing linear console games to PC free-form any day of the week. Although Morrowind is mighty fun.

Oh, and it looks like Ys VI is being released next week for PS2, I've been waiting TEN YEARS for another Ys game, part III was the last released in the US.
JayKeeley said:
Yes probably. I have to say, the new Moonsorrow is slightly ever so fucking remarkable as well.

I'm glad you share my boner for this album as well. Even Weltanschauung hasn't beat out Verisaekeet, and Weltanschauung is fucking beautiful. :worship:
Dark Tranquillity - Character
Waylander - Reawakening Pride Once Lost

Along with the Waylander, Salazar included Scald - Nematoid Parts IV-VIII with inserts, and Graveland - Impaler's Wolves, but it's just the CD, no inserts. All for $10.
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