My Latest Purchases Thread

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I don't see how people can leave recently bought/received music unlistened to. Whenever i receive new music, I make it a ritual to listen to it that very day, without interruption.

One story I remember about 'Gugs was that I bought an Enid CD from him, because he had bought an extra copy because he had forgotten he bought his first copy. At any given time, I can name most of the albums I own, and I would never forget what albums I had bought.
Dreamlord said:
At any given time, I can name most of the albums I own, and I would never forget what albums I had bought.
Yes, but you discriminate between what you buy. 'Gugs at some point used to take ALL the 'new arrivals' section at The End and just drop them all into a shopping cart! :lol:
Nathan, let me know what you think. Don't listen to it expecting one of your whacked out bands, though.

Got these:

Behemoth - Storms to Unleash
Behemoth - Thunders to Erupt

Both are simply a 2 for 1 deal. Storms has Sventevith and And the Forest Dreams Eternally, plus a few demo tracks. THunders has Grom and Bewitching the Pomerania. I was going to try to get the originals, but I'm not willing to spend $20 on an old Behemoth album. So I decided to get both of these for $18 total.
Dreamlord said:
Nathan, let me know what you think. Don't listen to it expecting one of your whacked out bands, though.
It's good, but I've only heard it once. It's the type of CD that will take time to really understand. It has musical styles all over the place, but they all fit together. Some of the piano is my favorite part so far. There's been a lot of attention paid to the writing of every song and every instrument from what I can tell.
To be honest, at first, it didn't hit me. So I waited about a week, and listened to it again, and then found myself playing it over and over.
It reminds me of the huge array of styles Swans uses on The Great Annihilator. At first I was a little distracted because I coudn't tell where they were coming from, but then it was like love at second sight.
Dreamlord said:
Nathan, let me know what you think. Don't listen to it expecting one of your whacked out bands, though.

Got these:

Behemoth - Storms to Unleash
Behemoth - Thunders to Erupt

Both are simply a 2 for 1 deal. Storms has Sventevith and And the Forest Dreams Eternally, plus a few demo tracks. THunders has Grom and Bewitching the Pomerania. I was going to try to get the originals, but I'm not willing to spend $20 on an old Behemoth album. So I decided to get both of these for $18 total.
Do you have "From the Pagan Vastlands"? Because if you don't, you might want to get that as well. It's great stuff... Unholy, unpure, untight. Like a Polish version of the first Immortal album.
bloodfiredeath said:
It's actually quite different than the one I believe you have. It's 9 discs total. There are two discs for each movie and a bonus disc full of other junk. Here's the rundown:

Alien - The original theatrical cut, and the new extended director's cut that was just in theatres here a few months ago. I have yet to watch this extended version. I have my misgivings about whether it was necessary, but I'm definitely curious, as I am a big fan of the first movie. Plus there's a ton of bonus material.

Aliens - The original theatrical cut, and the extended edition. I remember years ago when the only way you could get the extended edition was on a special edition laser disc, now the theatrical cut is the one that's hard to find. It doesn't really matter though, the extended edition is far superior. Though completely different from the first movie, I still love it. Again, tons of bonus stuff.

Alien3 - This may sound strange, but this is one of the main reasons I bought this set. Ever since Alien3 came out, there have been rumors about how it was hacked up and that much longer better version that Fincher made was floating around. According to the liner notes, those rumors were exaggerated some, but there is still two versions here, the original and a brand new version (first time available) that's over a half hour longer. I watched it right away and I can say that I definitely enjoy it more.

Alien Resurrection - The director Jeunet says that he's happy with the theatrical cut, but for this edition, a second version with added scenes including a supposedly different ending (I have yet to watch it) is included. I think this movie is visually amazing and I can't wait to watch the extras on it.

Bottom line: I am a big fan of the Alien movies, and I think 70 bucks was well worth it considering the tons of shit you get in this box (8 movies, extras up the ass).

argh, now you got me tempted ;) i just love the alien movies, and i'm such a nerd that i've even got some alien figures from "moive maniacs" standing vigilant on a shelf by my computer. i hadn't heard about that extra stuff on the third movie, sounds really cool tho. are there any interviews with mr giger on it? i just love that guy, and his paintings i might add.
but luckily (for my economy that is) the box doesn't seem to be availiable in here sweden yet, and when it does i guess it will be horridly expensive since imported single dvd's tend to cost at least 10 $ extra... oh well, i'll probably get it anyway in the end :)

Erik said:
Do you have "From the Pagan Vastlands"? Because if you don't, you might want to get that as well. It's great stuff... Unholy, unpure, untight. Like a Polish version of the first Immortal album.

ditto indeed
Erik said:
Do you have "From the Pagan Vastlands"? Because if you don't, you might want to get that as well. It's great stuff... Unholy, unpure, untight. Like a Polish version of the first Immortal album.
Yeah, that was on eBay earlier this week, but I was outbid. I believe the item sold for about $21. I'll still try to find it though.
NBDR and Infernal are not essential at all and only for completists.

Haven't heard Cryptic, but without Dan, why bother?
Infernal has great songs like "Hell is where the Heart is" and such though it's an uneven album.

I got lucky and bought "From the Pagan Vastlands" for $7 Buy it Now from some guy who apparently sold off much of his record collection, all for the same price. I got six or something other discs as well, including some rather rare Mayhem stuff, two VERY rare Evoken discs, Beherit, My Dying Bride, Ancient... A lot of those would go for much more than $7 normally.
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