My Latest Purchases Thread

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Sacred Reich - Heal
Testament - Demonic
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver

Not a bad haul for $20. :kickass:
Cool. I like how if I mention a band to you you run out and get all their releases immediately. :D Nah, seriously, "Gracefallen" is their best IMO, you'll probably enjoy it.
Well, you're usually right about bands that I'll like. I love Esoteric. Fucking great, crushing, weird stuff. Evoken is really good as well. I'm expecting Thergothon any day now.

Based on those three you mentioned, I read reviews and found that if I liked them I'd like Unholy, dISEMBOWELMENT, Winter, and Dusk.

It's nice to hear crushing, cold doom. You hit a home run with these recommendations. I like this stuff infinitely more than stuff like Paradise Lost, MDB, Anathema, and the like.

I also bought a CD from Visceral Evisceration which is supposed to be grind at a snail's pace. Should be interesting.
Hm, Dusk. Never heard Dusk, tell me more.

Glad you like all that stuff... I personally think Thergothon is better than both Evoken and Esoteric, so tell me what you think when you get that...
Dusk is a doom/death band kinda like Evoken but with more death such as double bass, blastbeats, etc. The band only released two MCDs, but 'Mourning...Resurrect' combines both of them into one album.
OK, thanks, will check them out eventually.

Latest purchase:
Agalloch Longsleeve -- when the fuck did they reprint/find copies of these and why wasn't I, being one of the biggest Agalloch fanboys in existance, personally informed by The End Records? :p Better get one quick while they're still there.
I have an Agalloch shirt. It was part of The Mantle package from The End. It's grey with some design on the right breat I think, and some saying on the back about "heathens" or something.
Hm, this one I ordered is the same, but black. Anyway, I prefer longsleeves (and I can wear shirts containing the words "my heathen pride" more or less without lying to myself... He he he.)
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