My Latest Purchases Thread

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Sorath said:
Vad är triakel? Av ena skivtiteln att döma skulle jag säga folkmetall. Korrekt?
Jag måste skaffa mig Ondskapt jag med.

nope, ingen metal här inte hehe, de spelar svensk folkmusik med fiol och tramporgel. jag gillar framförallt deras sångerska som har en mycket bra lite sorgsen sångröst. är deras hemsida om du blev intresserad ;)

japp det måste du ;), men jag blev lite förvånad, beställde den från cdon och på skivan står det "cellar 010", jag trodde det var selbstmord som hade släppt den hm. aja, jävligt bra är den i varje fall
Selbstmord-släpp har CELLAR framför katalognumret. Man behöver ju inte ha något som har något med skivbolagets namn att göra, Peaceville har ju VILE t.ex och Earache MOSH, DSP Anti-MOSH :grin:
JEVLAR ajag höll på att skita på mig, här sitter man och lyssnar på Disposable Heroes och helt plötsligt börjar nåt jävla fruntimmer tjuta i örat mitt! Varna om du ska ge URLs som har ljud, låter inte så bra för oss stackars modemare heller.
NAD said:
Tiamat - A Deeper Kind of Slumber
It's about time you tell me what you think of this. I think it is absolutely fucking monumental. I don't think there's any album that I've listened to more, and so consistently. I've had it since about 1998 and I listen to it quite often still. Utter masterpiece.
I like it quite a bit, and while I've only listened to it a handful of times, I have many many recommendations for you for similar listening. :)
Oh I know, but when I dive further into that album I'm still going to put together a small list for you to check out. :p
I didn't think DKoS was that good. Wildhoney is better.

these arrived today:

Cathedral - In Memoriam
Godflesh - Cold World
Type O Negative - October Rust
Did you ever check out Life is Killing Me? I know you like the pop leanings of October Rust, and LIKM returns to that a bit.
haven't heard Life is Killing Me. I saw it used for real cheap, though. It didn't get much fanfare when it was released.
No, it definitely faded quickly. If you see it cheap I'd pick it up, you can always sell it if you don't like it. :p
October Rust is the only one I really liked all the way through. Bloody Kisses gets tiresome after "Sets Me On Fire". World COming Down was inconsistent, but did have the excellent "Creepy Green Light" and "Everything Dies". The debut and Origin.. had a few good songs.

Is Life is Killing Me consistent or kind of on/off like WCD?
Okay Erik, I have three album recommendations for you. One you might already own, and the other two are at least worth a download or three.

Ulver - William Blake's the Marriage of Heaven and Hell
This one I'm sure you're at least familiar with, and anything with the name Ulver printed on it should be purchased by you anyhow. This one still retained their metal aspect, but introduced a lot of electronic elements.

Danzig 4p
This is my #2 album of all time so it's no surprise I'd recommend it, but you may want to look into it as ADKOS shares the overall gloomy and black nature of this album. And no, nothing on here sounds like Mother, this marked a whole new era for Danzig. ;)

Future Sound of London - Dead Cities
This one may be worth looking into, although it's not entirely similar to ADKOS. I just think it may be something you'd enjoy, the completely atmospheric digital experience that it is. Ask Russell, he loves this album.
Dreamlord said:
October Rust is the only one I really liked all the way through. Bloody Kisses gets tiresome after "Sets Me On Fire". World COming Down was inconsistent, but did have the excellent "Creepy Green Light" and "Everything Dies". The debut and Origin.. had a few good songs.

Is Life is Killing Me consistent or kind of on/off like WCD?
Well, Creepy Green Light and Everything Dies are my two favorite songs from WCD, so there's that. LIKM is a bit inconsistent, but really really shines toward the end. IYDKMIGTHTKY (Gimme That), Nettie, and Drunk In Paris are three of the best songs they've ever done.

Burnt Flowers Fallen is my favorite TON song, but Drunk In Paris comes close. It's this brief 2 minute instrumental that I don't know why, but something really strikes me on that one.

EDIT: Add Pyretta Blaze to Everything Dies and Creepy Green Light as my favorites from WCD.
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