My Latest Purchases Thread

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Pyretta Blaze is really good. I also like All Hollow's Eve.

Yes, Burnt Flowers Fallen is the finest TON song. It is simply beautiful. In fact, I'm listening to OR right now. I forgot how good it was.

If I see Life is Killing Me for cheap, I'll get it.

Funny thing is, I don't think TON got really good until OR. Everyone loves Bloody Kisses, but other than the combo of Summer Breeze and Sets Me On Fire, and maybe Christian Woman, I really don't like it that much.
I think Bloody Kisses is awesome, but October Rust is much more consistent. The first one is funny, but other than Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity and Glass Walls of Limbo (dance mix), it's not really necessary. Love those song titles though.
NAD said:
Future Sound of London - Dead Cities
This one may be worth looking into, although it's not entirely similar to ADKOS. I just think it may be something you'd enjoy, the completely atmospheric digital experience that it is. Ask Russell, he loves this album.
This is also the type of stuff you would listen to if you like "Perdition City," no?

...and hooray for JayKeeley.
Erik said:
Selbstmord-släpp har CELLAR framför katalognumret. Man behöver ju inte ha något som har något med skivbolagets namn att göra, Peaceville har ju VILE t.ex och Earache MOSH, DSP Anti-MOSH :grin:

hm, har jag faktiskt inte tänkt på innan, tack för upplysningen iaf.

Sorath said:
JEVLAR ajag höll på att skita på mig, här sitter man och lyssnar på Disposable Heroes och helt plötsligt börjar nåt jävla fruntimmer tjuta i örat mitt! Varna om du ska ge URLs som har ljud, låter inte så bra för oss stackars modemare heller.

hehe visste inte att det var ljud på sidan, lyssnar alltid på cd när jag sitter vid datorn så jag hör det inte. btw, har lyssnat lite mer på "vintervisor" och jag måste säga att den är väldigt ojämn. det sticker lite öronen när man lyssnar på den också hehe, det blir ju ofrånkomligen ganska mkt religiositet när man sjunger gamla folkvisor, och speciellt julvisor som det är på den. men det funkar.

modem? är det sådana där små lådor som piper och skriker när man kör igång internettet... jo har något svagt minne av det tillsammans med minnen av vanmakt och frustration :grin:
Erik said:
This is also the type of stuff you would listen to if you like "Perdition City," no?
Yes, absolutely. I know you picked up PC awhile back, do you like it? I prefer Lifeforms to Dead Cities, but DC is more mechanical sounding, if that makes sense.
NAD said:
Yes, absolutely. I know you picked up PC awhile back, do you like it? I prefer Lifeforms to Dead Cities, but DC is more mechanical sounding, if that makes sense.
It's good, if a little uneven. I haven't listened to it as much as I should.
Erik said:
...and hooray for JayKeeley.
Nope, boo for me. Order was cancelled by seller. Apparently, the seller "let a friend borrow it and never got it back". That is an actual quote from the e-mail I got from him. How he thought to put it on therefore is beyond me...
Chedsey has it for sale, but it's probably a little more than you'd like to spend.

I've bought a lot of stuff from Chedsey. The three CDs I got yesterday were from his site, and only cost $24 including shipping. Also bought Carcass' rare "Tools of the Trade" from him for only $9.

He has a Morrigan album. So they're good?
Dreamlord said:
Also bought Carcass' rare "Tools of the Trade" from him for only $9.
Hepatic Tissue Fermentation II rules, but is now not so rare on Necroticism re-release and Wake Up and Smell the Carcass.
Dreamlord said:
Chedsey has it for sale, but it's probably a little more than you'd like to spend.

I've bought a lot of stuff from Chedsey. The three CDs I got yesterday were from his site, and only cost $24 including shipping. Also bought Carcass' rare "Tools of the Trade" from him for only $9.

He has a Morrigan album. So they're good?
Morrigan rules. Buy it.
Sting - The Soul Cages
Sunn 0))) - Flight of the Behemoth

I had to qualify for free shipping while buying a $5 Salman Rushdie book. :lol:
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