My Latest Purchases Thread

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bloodfiredeath said:
Endtyme is my favorite Cathedral album. I have every one, and like them all, but every time a new one would come out, there was always something I couldn't put my finger on that made me not completely love the record. I think they finally got it totally right on Endtyme.

I mean c'mon... WHORES TO OBLIVIAN!
Black Winter Day said:
madden 98
nhl 95
ok... both of these games officially BLOW ASS. especially the hockey one. why? 1) it is damn near impossible to score a goal, all of your players fall down and only connect on passes to the other team and 2) the goalie controls are terrible and on a 1 on 1 situation, you are almost guaranteed to get scored on. this is not helped by the fact that when your team has the puck and gets knocked down, it is impossible to get your guys back. the two guards mystically disappear every time. it blows.
THat's funny, because I find Endtyme to be among my least favorites. I really like Ethereal Mirror, and found Hopkins and Caravan to be quite the albums. I'm still lacking Carnival Bizarre, Statik Majik, and Cosmic Requiem.
Black Winter Day said:
ok... both of these games officially BLOW ASS. especially the hockey one. why? 1) it is damn near impossible to score a goal, all of your players fall down and only connect on passes to the other team and 2) the goalie controls are terrible and on a 1 on 1 situation, you are almost guaranteed to get scored on. this is not helped by the fact that when your team has the puck and gets knocked down, it is impossible to get your guys back. the two guards mystically disappear every time. it blows.
Sports video games are stupid. Except Blades of Steel and Tecmo Bowl, those games fucking rule!!!

I'll have to keep Grand Magus on the list, but I placed a bid from some Cathedral last night on eBay. Carnival Bizarre I think, but I was kinda drunk so it's fuzzy. :hypno:
Who knows, but I love those 8-bit unintelligible voices! The fighting in Blades of Steel could keep me going for hours, it's probably been a decade since I've played that game.
Pfft. Just retracted that Cathedral bid, fucker shows a picture of a CD insert but the description says cassette. Glad I checked out his other auctions. :mad:
Hey guys, I'm back from Strasbourg. Very beautiful city :)
Of course I couldn't resist:

Maiden - Piece of Mind (VINYL Edition! YAY!! Found this hidden in the darkest regions of a small record store)
Morgion - Solinari
I want to move to France.

(2 years ago I hated the very thought of the word France, except the Louvre that is)
went to some stores today and got:

Grand Magus - Grand Magus
Pig Destroyer - Painter of Dead Girls

and some Nuclear Blast sampler for free with Dimmu Borgir, Misery Index, Mnemic, Graveworm, and Tidfall. Every song sucks. Every band sucks. Nuclear Blast sucks.
Shakermaker said:
Maiden - Piece of Mind (VINYL Edition! YAY!! Found this hidden in the darkest regions of a small record store)
What kind of condition is it in? Maiden vinyls are fairly common round here but getting a good quality sleeve can be somewhat hit and miss...
markgugs said:
And why has this changed? I still don't like France. :loco:
I think part of it was the fact that they actually grew a pair and stood up to the US, but probably mostly because it just seems like a nice place in a Canadian sort of way. Can't stand the language though, so Canada itself is a more likely bet for me. :grin:

But more than likely it is because Johnny Depp lives there and I wish to stalk him, in the gay way. :loco:
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