My Latest Purchases Thread

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npearce said:
*side note*
I've never had a band on Rise Above answer any of my email requests for an interivew. They've never even thanked me for sending them a link to my review of their CD. The label contacts ignore me as well.
Hey i don't don't if you know of the band Sheavy, but they are on Rise Above/TMC and if you do like them and want an interview i'm sure they;d be more than happy to oblige. or for Ren Squires :Spin:
In The Woods- Three Times Seven On A Pilgrimmage
:Of The Wand And The Moon: - :Emptiness:Emptiness:Emptiness:

So far, it's sounding like good buys too.
Dreamlord said:
I wasn't impressed at all by Vader. Thankfully I only paid $4 for it.
Well I'm finally getting around to listening to this, and this is NOT a good example of Vader's brilliance. This is okay, but not very good. Sounds like a very weak version of Litany. I would recommend De Profundis to anyone with even an inkling of interest toward death metal though.
Graveland - The Celtic Winter
Seigneur Voland/Chemin De Haine - second split 7" that I can't remember the name of :erk:
Black Winter Day said:
has anyone heard these? just wondering, since they should be here in a day or two. fuckin' Red Stream is great!:rock:
I own Castrate The Redeemer. It's a longer album than Judoebeast Assassination but not quite as good. The songs Shemhamforash, Reflections of The Coffin Lid, Sumerian Fairytale and Conspicuous Imagery Adorns The Nunnery are excellent.

If you're a big fan of GBK, try looking into Arghoslent, the guitar player's other band, who are much better. (If you are alright with the NS element..)
ScottG said:
I own Castrate The Redeemer. It's a longer album than Judoebeast Assassination but not quite as good. The songs Shemhamforash, Reflections of The Coffin Lid, Sumerian Fairytale and Conspicuous Imagery Adorns The Nunnery are excellent.

If you're a big fan of GBK, try looking into Arghoslent, the guitar player's other band, who are much better. (If you are alright with the NS element..)
I don't see how you can not mention "Foul Parody of the Lord's Supper"... That's the premier hit song of the album. Heh.
I'm in CD-R heaven!

RUDRA - s/t
RUDRA - The Aryan Crusade
ULVER - Perdition City
EMPYRIUM - ...der wie ein Blitz von Himmel fiel (DEMO)
FORSETI - Windzeit

Thanks to Chief B, NAD, and Doom for sorting me out for e's and whizz. :cool:
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