My Latest Purchases Thread

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I prefer the first generation Firebirds because they are small but still have a monster 400ci engine, but yeah, lookswise they've always been the best looking cars on the road.

I would love to have a motorcycle but I'd be dead in a week.
Relapse Package came today:

Today is the Day- till you Die
Uphill Battle- S/T
Deceased- Behind the Mourner's Veil
Namanax-Cascading Waves of Electronic Turbulence
Napalm Death- Leaders Not Followers
Contaminated 6.0- V/A
Yea, the Mindrot album is really good. Ive listened to all the CDs once now. Dont even bother with Namanax, Its "Pennsylvania Noise Pollution" which means its 60 minutes of random annoying noises. Uphill Battle got some good songs too. Some of its pretty standard Grind, but other songs kind bend the lines of more genre's. Amoeba is very mellow stuff. Abient; Floyd/Camel kinda stuff. Xysma is your basic Rock band, nothing special to mention about them. Now Karaboudian is fucking weird. The Cd has three tracks totalling something around 25 minutes. They have 7 or 8 people in the band. A guitarist, a bassist, two saxaphone players, a samplist, a singer, and think a DJ, maybe even two of those. The songs go from these inane thrash riffs with errie background noise to fucking steel drum passages with guitar, bass, and drums overloayed, every ten seconds something would change leaving me with a wtf expression on my face. Today is the day didnt impress me either really. Dont buy it unless your already a fan, its all live stuff, and some acoustic mixs. Im sure most of you have heard the rest of the bands.
Just ordered Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies Diehard LP

If anyone's interested, the new Mayhem has leaked. Only listened to it for a few seconds late last night, so I don't really have an opinion at this point.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Now Karaboudian is fucking weird. The Cd has three tracks totalling something around 25 minutes. They have 7 or 8 people in the band. A guitarist, a bassist, two saxaphone players, a samplist, a singer, and think a DJ, maybe even two of those. The songs go from these inane thrash riffs with errie background noise to fucking steel drum passages with guitar, bass, and drums overloayed, every ten seconds something would change leaving me with a wtf expression on my face.
Wow, that sounds cool. I've never heard of them before.
Karaboudjan is a Dan Swano side project. It was meant to take the ideals of Pan Thy Monium and push even further.

Personally, I didn't like it. It's basically just samples and noise. There's no song structure whatsoever.
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