My Latest Work (literally just finished this)

i used ssl e channel to compress the last singing part =]
i intend to use it on the rest of the record

settings were really simple

ratio 20:1
release .1 / fast attack
threshold -20
output gain +12

then +6 db after (for more make up gain)

make sure to de-ess first

edit: screaming vox are just the 1176 which you can search on the forum to see how i run that
Well done as usual, sounds very professional. Just a great mix that lets you enjoy the song. Wouldn't change a thing
Sounds great. Listening on A7's over here as well. Kick has a lot of shape, without being over the top. Really nice work. Not a huge fan of the "happy hardcore" keys, but each to their own!

What you using for your glitches?
Sounds great. Listening on A7's over here as well. Kick has a lot of shape, without being over the top. Really nice work. Not a huge fan of the "happy hardcore" keys, but each to their own!

What you using for your glitches?

the d major part? or the d minor parts?

if you dont like d major, im not giving you a cookie
Sounds awesome as usual. I'm going to be a crowd follower and say it could use a little more low-midish bass though. Vocals sound incredible though, and I don't hear any "ess" or "lisp" issues that you had been having.

sick mix - the joey standard.

really liking the song too!

one day i'll make a POD sit in a mix as well as you.. one day.. hahaha (i wish)
