My lazy Vehemence - GWC review


Sep 8, 2002
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So I just got this cd in the mail today. I present one question for the band. You call this horseshit deathmetal? Worst. Purchase. Ever. Thanks alot.

Okay, all jokes aside, this is probably the best cd I've bought in years. I think it's that good. I don't like writing reviews and I'd probably suck if I tried, so I'm giving this bastard an 8.5 out of 10. MAYBE a 9.

You motherfuckers better not go out and get numetal on us or some shit when you make it big. Also, band photos are gay. And the cd artwork isn't that fucking bad, in fact I like it....but I still hate the cover artwork. Anyways, what really matters is the fucking content, the music and it is damn good. When can we expect another release?
Right on, glad you dig it... But hey, we still like the art.. Cool ass comic book feel to it.. and it goes with the lyrics so :p

:Smokin: As far as our new shit, well there are 5 complete songs, 7 in total.. They are turning out a bit shorter, no solos in any as of yet... Different, but I think it still sounds like us... Expect it sometime next year. We all want to go to Europe before we record again... We'll see what happens. :rock:
That sounds cool! But I fucking love guitar solos, and I'm really impressed with those that I found on GWC. I've listened to the disc about 3 times now and still letting it all sink in. Fucking incredible. I'm not in a band or anything but sometimes when I listen to a cd I think 'I could do that, if not better'. But damn, there is some talented fucking song writing on GWC. Bleh...enough with all this fruity praise.