My new "backyard" is better than yours.

Wow, good one captain cliche. You're so metal that you shit metal out your ass and constantly plug the toilet with metal. You're so metal that metal makes you blow a big wad into one of your Star Wars (or Battlestar Gallactica, your choice) socks for mom to clean up later. You're so metal you love rape, nuclear weapons, church burning, puppies, muffins, getting drunk and going to parti--, err, posting on the internet, YouTube videos, rubbing goat urine all over your body, video games, and talking about your feelings. GO METAL FUCK NATURE.
Wow, good one captain cliche. You're so metal that you shit metal out your ass and constantly plug the toilet with metal. You're so metal that metal makes you blow a big wad into one of your Star Wars (or Battlestar Gallactica, your choice) socks for mom to clean up later. You're so metal you love rape, nuclear weapons, church burning, puppies, muffins, getting drunk and going to parti--, err, posting on the internet, YouTube videos, rubbing goat urine all over your body, video games, and talking about your feelings. GO METAL FUCK NATURE.
Who said anything abut being metal? I was just talkin' about not being a dirty hippy! Now don't spend too much time responding to me, I'm sure there's some deer out there you haven't made coitus with yet!
How witty. Even though people came from and evolved amongst the natural world, it's now "uncool" to find solace in nature and those who do are lumped with pot-smoking, dreadlocked hippies. Prime logic, success to the techno-industrial despotic state! Guess you better throw away your Agalloch CDs, bunch of jerk-off hippies that they are. I hope you enjoy rotting in your future office job for the rest of your miserable existence. Of course, responding intelligently to idiocy and cretinism is pointless and considered taking the bait. Nevermore fans rejoice.
How witty. Even though people came from and evolved amongst the natural world, it's now "uncool" to find solace in nature and those who do are lumped with pot-smoking, dreadlocked hippies. Prime logic, success to the techno-industrial despotic state! Guess you better throw away your Agalloch CDs, bunch of jerk-off hippies that they are. I hope you enjoy rotting in your future office job for the rest of your miserable existence. Of course, responding intelligently to idiocy and cretinism is pointless and considered taking the bait. Nevermore fans rejoice.

Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?
I can see for miles. I prefer the mountaintop to the office chair. I should hang myself because I get my exercise in nature rather than at the gym or by jerking off.
Well, you're just sooo much superior to us humble city-folk because you think its cute to pretend to live like humans did hundreds of years ago. Hows that internet treating you?
lol your the one saying the city is the only place anyone should be, it's obvious you like the city but a lot of people prefer less crowded areas, so i don't see your logic there.
Pretend? I've spent five consecutive months in the backcountry. How many nights have you spent outside of your confining dorm room, outside of your city stench? Have fun when the cancer hits you, it comes for a reason.

Obviously, people need to work and make money to eat. The internet is wonderful, it's quite the invaluable resource. Unfortunately I can't say I'm addicted or obsessed since you take that noble crown, having almost 22,000 posts on me.

En Vind: I would pick Boulder over Gunnison, although beware the dreaded hippies. They'll eat you alive and turn you into what they call veggie burgers. Gunnison is one of the coldest places in the state.