Is this wrong?

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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I am just over run with deer at my house. They are eating everything (and pooping everywhere as well). When I moved into my subdivision, it is a requirement to spend at least $100 on landscape improvement, I went overboard and went about $3-400. And the damn deer ate every bit of it.

Here is my question, I bought a pellet gun to shoot them in the ass. Not kill them mind you, just a real BIG ouch in the ass. Then they might not come back around. Is this wrong?

My neighbor left for work the other day at about 4:30am, he said he had to stop his truck and count the deer in my yard. There were 19 grazing.....

I want to start using a 30.06 but I would get arrested........
well, asking if it is wrong is a question of ethics, and I don't know what is unethical for deer to be eating and shitting in your yard.

I mean, they're friggin ANIMALS!

oh, but for you to shoot the deer in the ass, go ask PETA and see what answer they give you, since my answer will obviously be slanted towards making some nice venison for dinner.
BB's--Fire away!
Shoot the neighbor in the ass too, for not chasing them away when he had the chance.
I get 5 deer everyday coming through my yard and used to have rabbits trip my sensor lights at night...used to ;)
like Sephiroth said, a paintball gun wouldn't harm them, a pellet gun could, so go with the paintball gun if possible
Use a 30.06 and make some delicious sausage.

*Sees animal pests as potential dinner courses*
You're the first person I've been told that by. All the others thought it was great, and even better cold.