Do you think this is eeeiiiiwrrds?

npearce said:
Were their girlfriends hot? Because if they were, you should stike a deal with these Pruerto Ricans . . . if you know what I mean.
Um, they're 15 year old children...

oh wait, that's legal in Britian. :loco:
Nah they were mooses. Or moosi. Whatever that plural is. They had all that bling bling on, and I'd never seen half of those fuckers before. You know, you give someone an inch, and they take a mile. Geez, I live in a neighborhood of filthy rich yiddish-speaking Hacidics, but the people next door turnout to be Mr & Mrs Welfare.

Anyway, it's not going to happen again.
You lads are treading on thin ice. My hometown is one of the teen pregnancy capitals of Europe (I kid ye not), and 13/14 year olds can be considered fair game if they're fit enough. And a lot of them are ;) I like it! :D

I tell you what though, if any kid did that round here there would be hell to pay, unless you knew 'em someway. If they were Peurto Rican, you'd have the crew ready next time round ;)
Lads? I'm female.

The age of consent is 14 here in Canada, so people can't really prosecute adults for going after consenting kids and there's a 4 year "open time" between ages. So a 20 year old can date a 16 year old.

13/14 is too young for me, but I've seen some 16-18 year olds who are teh hott.

Um... yeah.
"That's what I love about high school girls: I get older, they stay the same age."
--Wooderson from Dazed and Confused
That's one of the few movies I've seen where I'm truly sad at the end, just because I don't want it to be over. They should've made it into a TV series so they could ruin its charm... no wait, nevermind.
Hey, I wanna move there too! I'll visit first though, maybe this summer. Had a trip planned with the ex-woman for 2 weeks in Canada this May... that obviously isn't happening, but she's still going, by herself no less. Perhaps I taught her the joys of solitude. :D
Visit, but don't move here. Well, at least not to this city. Vancouver (west only) and Calgary are beautiful though.
I'm looking toward the western cities, that way I can remain somewhat close to home in case I need to run home to mommy after moving too far away, or something. :loco:
Russell said:
I watch the end of that film, and irrespective of what time it is, or how completely knackered it is, I want to go out and party ;)

Aaah, idealised American teenagehood :p
I've said it before, but that movie is based on the town that my fiance grew up in, Huntsville, TX. Also, that's where I attended college (or "uni" to you weirdos).

The Emporium is now a Papa John's. The Moontower is now laying on the ground. The authorities knocked it over because dumbass teenagers actually did fall and die. Why do you think they included that little quip about kids falling down and hitting every beam?

My fiance did get hazed for being a freshman, but it was much more controlled by the 90's, due to lawsuits and such.

Where do you think they were going to get those Aerosmith tickets? To Houston, of course!

Yep, we know how to party down here. Don't know if you lightweights could hang. :loco:
Wow that kicks ass. There's a new movie with Adam West coming out soon (some horror thing, forgot the name) where much of it was filmed in this old used book store near me, that's my claim to movie fame. :D

Dreamlord said:
Don't know if you lightweights could hang. :loco:
*sniff sniff* Do I smell... a challenge!? :loco: