Do you think this is eeeiiiiwrrds?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
The four Peurto Rican kids who live next door just helped themselves into my backyard to play some basketball with my net. They just walked through the gate and started shooting hoops....:err:

I went out and they said their yard is too small, and that their ball keeps coming over into my yard, so they thought they might as well use my hoop since nobody was in my yard anyway. I mean, they have a point, and I like to be neighborly, but just to walk in and start playing...I was like, huh? Maybe this is a Puerto Rican thing? :guh: It's certainly not very British! :loco:
That depends on how old they are I suppose.

I know when I was younger I did inconsiderate things like that all the time. It wasn't because I meant to do them, it was just because I hadn't been taught that sort of thing was rude. As I got older that changed because then I did mean to do them. :loco: :D
Ah, they're only about 15 and they mean no harm. They're just kids. I just thought it was weird when I looked out into my backyard and I saw a bunch of them shooting hoops. As I posted this thread, a bunch of their girlfriends came over and just sat on my deck chairs watching them play. The whole thing was a bit surreal.
Probably because Mayhem isn't good make out music. They'll be back. No worries. :p
The only possible alternative to:
HarmonyDies.... said:
Shoot them.
Is this:
JayKeeley said:
I actually started playing "Live in Leipzig" with my window wide open and then they left all of a sudden.
Good show. I would've probably walked out wearing a wife beater and stained pants, yelled something incoherent at them, and then chucked a can of Pabst in their general direction. Funny thing with me though, if they would've asked first, I'd be happy to let them do what they wanted.
NAD said:
Funny thing with me though, if they would've asked first, I'd be happy to let them do what they wanted.
That's the thing. It's not like I care, since I'm not sitting in my yard, but they took a slight liberty - but as someone said earlier, I don't think 15 years olds think about these sorts of things. The reason why I brought up the whole Peurto Rican thing is that there is a significant cultural difference with regards to personal boundaries. For example, when it snows, they sometimes bring their snowblower round to our driveway and clear the snow. They just do it and leave which is great. So it works both ways I guess. Now, if they would only mow my lawn...

It was kind of funny when I turned the volume up on "Necrolust". JayKeeley: A guy approaching his mid-thirties, British accent, married to an all American gal, looks like an Arab terrorist, and listens to Mayhem during the day = potential deranged serial killer.

JayKeeley said:
It was kind of funny when I turned the volume up on "Necrolust". JayKeeley: A guy approaching his mid-thirties, British accent, married to an all American gal, looks like an Arab terrorist, and listens to Mayhem during the day = potential deranged serial killer.

I was blasting Vital Remains at midnight last night with my back door wide open, sometimes you just have to remind your neighbors that you could snap at any second. :D
NAD said:
I was blasting Vital Remains at midnight last night with my back door wide open, sometimes you just have to remind your neighbors that you could snap at any second. :D

Of course, if you really wanted to scare them, you would have followed Vital Remains with some Especially Likely Sloth. At that point, you might as well have been Hannibal Lecter.

I need a second stereo so I can crank Vital Remains on one, and then Especially Likely Sloth on the other! I'll be evicted within 20 minutes!!!
NAD said:
I need a second stereo so I can crank Vital Remains on one, and then Especially Likely Sloth on the other! I'll be evicted within 20 minutes!!!
You realize of course that in doing so, you will be simulating the actual incantation for raising the dead. You will invoke the demons of the past, a hellmouth will open, and only one man can save the day...

"Swallow your soul!!! Swallow your soul!!!"
"Swallow this"

NAD said:
Funny thing with me though, if they would've asked first, I'd be happy to let them do what they wanted.
Same with me.

They're also 15, not 7, so they should know better and have more manners.

I was going to recommed sharing some music since they're on your property... but you did that. Good. :D