my new band (real drums, real amps, real bass blablabla)

Sounds damn good. What's the guitar chain look like? Any info on the drums would be good stuff to have too.

My only criticism is the subdrops. Were 4 (I think I heard 4) of them really necessary in "This Will Never End"?
thanks buddy.

Mick Tompson ibanez signature with emg81->Ibanez ts7 modded->6505->mesa OS->single sm57->audient preamp

only left right, and lead in the center

Kick is 100% sample replaced (some of my own, some of the slate deluxe, and LSD samples)
snare is 50% real, 50% sample replaced (samples from the real snare)
toms are 100% real

we used a 3k custom acryle set.

Its just a rough mix. We tracked 7 songs in like 5 days and I start mixing/editing for 2 days now.

I mixed everything from the beginning into my mastering chain and with VCC.
Mastering chain was ->slate mixbus->metric halo softsat->hardware SSL comp->ozone 4 (only making 3dB of gain reduction)

I think its on the right way but needs some stuff to grow.
I want more low-end in the bass, snare not that piercing......

mini-CD will be free download. Release will be may the 21th
The vocalist reminds me of Death Before Dishonor. The style isn't my type, but it sounds good. It's like a more metalcore hatebreed.
Hey Gab. Nice stuff.

I like everything in general

i think the snare need bit of shine and the kick is a bit boomy.

I'm about to start another new project too.

Cheers Bro.
Sounds really good dude. Nothing like some real drums that aren't over-replaced. I love turning the overheads up loud in the mix which you can't always do if everything is super replaced or programmed to begin with. makes the kit sound HUGE and just honestly gives the mix life.
thank you guys so much!!!!

The thing is, I tried some things out the other day and realized I cant realy change anything because I hit the compressor that hard in the mix.

So I will start from scratch again.

I needed to finish the 3 tracks for the mini-tour this weekend and only got like 2 days (for editing, mixing and mastering)

Now I have 3 more full days to mix and master it + everyhting is edited.

will post the finished result soon, and I also will post the download link for the full EP