My new enemy......

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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This is from ICONOCLAST( )editor, William Grimm:

"You've undoubtedly heard by now that a demented fan last week killed heavy metal guitarist Dimebag Abbott at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. While I am extremely happy to hear that the assassin was shot to death by a brave Columbus policeman and I in no way want to engage in a blaming the victim scenario, I cannot deny that there much in Mr. Abbott's demise of one being hoisted on one's petard. The squalor, inhumanity, filth (both in the metaphorical and hygienic senses), depravity, ugliness and ignorance of everything that heavy metal represents (Like rap, I cannot use the noble term music in a description of heavy metal) creates a mindset among its devotees in which Mr. Abbott's assassination was an event that was all but waiting to happen.

It was highly amusing, and also terribly sad, to watch on television fans conducting a 'vigil' for the slain Mr. Abbott outside of the Alrosa Villa. It was an assemblage of ignorant, semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity. Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these 'fans' accurately represented the hideousness of their souls. That the physical deformity of their ugliness was self-inflicted makes the spiritual tragedy of their misspent lives all the more tragic."

"But one can see why the heavy metal fans so closely identified with Mr. Abbott. He was an ignorant, barbaric, untalented possessor of a guitar and large amplifier system. Freakish in appearance, more simian than human, he was the performer of a type of "entertainment" that can be likened only to a gorilla on PCP. Lacking subtlety, wit, style, emotional range and anything approaching even the smallest iota of intellectual or musical interest, Mr. Abbott was part of a generation that has confused sputum with art and involuntary reflex actions with emotion. "

And he wasn't done. A few days, later, he continued to bash metalheads on his weekly blog entry:

Heavy Metal and the Decay of Society

"We live in such culturally benighted times that there are even some political conservatives who will defend the existence of heavy metal--a quasi-musical performance art that is overwhelmingly homoerotic in origin, indicative of imaturity and alienation, emotionally and psychologically stunted, and overwhelmingly anti-family, anti-society, anti-religion, and anti-intellectual in orientation. Ironically, the sale of heavy metal cds is also the chief way by which funds are raised for both American and European neo-Nazi political organizations. Of course, the barbaric, tribal aspect of heavy metal bespeaks a socialist, rather than conservative, Weltanschauung.

Listening to Mozart makes you smarter. The same cannot be said for heavy metal. The report below is quite enlightening.

'There is widespread concern about the possible negative effects on behavior of listening to certain types of music, particularly in adolescents. There seems not to be a great deal of systematic study of this topic but a recent report by Kevin J. Took and David S. Weiss in the journal Adolescence (1994, 29, 613-621) is quite relevant. The authors studied the relationships between listening to heavy metal and rap music and adolescent "psychosocial turmoil". Subjects were 12-18 years of age (average 14.6 years), equally divided between the sexes, who were patients under some treatment for various behavioral and psychological problems at a military medical center's adolescent medicine unit or similar facility. Their parents were attached to the military. Questionnaires revealed differences between teenagers who preferred heavy metal and rap compared to others who did not. They had poorer school grades, more behavioral problems in school, and more sexual activity, drug and alcohol use and arrests.'"

I've already e-mailed this nutsucking dickhead and i suggest you do the same. Here's his e-mail Show how REAL metalheads are.
E-mail him? Well, I really want to and insult him, his mother and all his relatives and ascendance to the first neanderthal. But will accomplish nothing and gave this moron a weapon to hold against us.

We can post like WC did (thanks btw) his lies in spaces like this and othe forums and tell the truth in an intelligent but not deceitful manner like this creep did...or we can just ignore him.

A wacko killed Darrell, but people like this Iconoclast guy collect enemies, and one day someone is going to shot him for us. You reap the harvest you have sown, he'll have his in due time.

Let's make something constructive and keep the metal flame alive for us and for the memory of Dime :headbang: , eventually we'll bury that guy, we are the chosen ones ;)
Eeh, the guy makes some valid points if you look at it from his side of the fence; the righteous and uninitiated. But this guy really has NO CLUE what he is talking about. He can call me ignorant for listening to heavy metal; I don't mind. I can call him ignorant for being so close minded that he has to judge me based on HIS beliefs.

What really interested me was this:

There is widespread concern about the possible negative effects on behavior of listening to certain types of music, particularly in adolescents. The authors studied the relationships between listening to heavy metal and rap music and adolescent "psychosocial turmoil". They had poorer school grades, more behavioral problems in school, and more sexual activity, drug and alcohol use and arrests.

Now, this just a case of chicken or the egg. Did such an "emotionally and psychologically stunted" form of art DRIVE adolescents into psychosocial turmoil? OR Did the TURMOIL IN THEIR LIVES drive the adolescent toward said music; a form of art that spoke a language they could understand and relate to.

I believe the latter; mainly based on my own personal experience. My parents divorced in 1975 when I was in 5th grade. For the next five years I got bounced from one parent to another, being forced to live with new step-siblings, and never staying in one school for longer than one year. It fucking sucked. I spent alot of "alone" time listening to music like Styx, REO, Eagles, Kansas, etc, because it was on the small town radio stations. I discovered metal about 1979 (from my old Dungeons and Dragons group) and what I heard spoke in volume about subjects I could relate to.

My formative metal years were spent listening to 70's Sabbath, Priest, and Pink Floyd. While the backward subliminal messages did encourage me to succumb to the demon alcohol or commit suicide, I never did act on those directives. Why? Probably cause I seldom played them backwards. At nearly forty years old, I am living proof that growing up on heavy metal music doesn't necessarily mean an automatic membership to the Dregs of Society.

I've had a relatively successful career of being a graphic designer, NASCAR reporter, and now budding fiction author. I may not have a big mansion up on the hill, but I'll bet I'm much happier than many who do.
I think he might be the teacher from the Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock video, I really feel like mailing the fucktart, or mail him some family photos...
I think the best way to deal with people like this is to not deal with them at all. Don´t give them the attention because that´s often why they write stuff like that. I don´t know what that website is about and won´t click on the link but clearly that guy does not understand the heavy metal way of life.
Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these 'fans' accurately represented the hideousness of their souls.

And Sir you do not have a Soul!

I read all this a few days ago so I've gotten over my anger (i think). This man isn't worth the time of day! Although I would be interested in knowing what bands he considers Metal.
delize said:
Although I would be interested in knowing what bands he considers Metal.
Good point. When he talks about Metal he is most likely talking about Mallcore.
But he's too ignorant to see the difference.
I would send him hate-mail, but that would just be backing up the incorrect stereotype he has created of metalheads. If he's stupid enough to believe this, then he's not worth our time anyway.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
While the backward subliminal messages did encourage me to succumb to the demon alcohol or commit suicide, I never did act on those directives. Why? Probably cause I seldom played them backwards.
:lol: Well said.
Damn, he's right, my school results were bad too .... But did that make a worse person? Am I an ignorant Nazi person ? Am I a bad father becouse of my love for metal music ? I saw a lot of people,who weren't metal fans and had good school results, now ending up to be the cream of ignorant and stupid society, but hey, they are going to the night mass on christmas day, pretending to be decent people.... I have lots of metal-minded friends, and can 100% sure say they are on the good part manhood. Having dozens of friends, caring and helping were they can, not pretending to be the world saviours....
AngelWitch73 said:
I think the best way to deal with people like this is to not deal with them at all. Don´t give them the attention because that´s often why they write stuff like that. I don´t know what that website is about and won´t click on the link but clearly that guy does not understand the heavy metal way of life.
Exzactly! ... already saw this on the Progpower board... Just Ignore the turd
carnut said:
I saw a lot of people,who weren't metal fans and had good school results, now ending up to be the cream of ignorant and stupid society,
I also saw a lot of people who always teased me for listening to Metal and thought I was taking drugs and stuff but funny thing is years later I see these people again after we´ve been out of school and most of them never made it anywhere and even one of them (incidentally, the one who always said I was a drug taker even though I never touched anything during that time) was hooked on heroin. Funny how things go sometimes.
zeppelin said:
I think he might be the teacher from the Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock video,
Hey leave the teachers alone OK? :)

Just ignore him man. Angelwitch73 is right. We all have better things to do. Like clipping your nails or pick up some speck of dust from the ground.
JonnyD said:
Just Ignore the turd
Don't ignore it, flush it!
What pissed me off the most is not so much the fact that he insulted and spit in the face of all metalheads at once, but that he shit on the legacy and memory of Dimebag Darrell, a man he's never met and knows nothing about.
I have no time to debate people like this. He has his views, I have mine. Of course, I think he's wrong. However, I prefer to let him stew in his ignorance and pass the time writing some stupid blog. As long as he stays out of my space, he's safe.