my new guitar?

hardtails are so HOT

ps I was just looking at this:

I like the body and finish much better but the electronics and construction are identical to the low-end version (crap), and it's the same price as the one I posted above (hrmph). maaaaaaaaan.
I never liked any of the 7 string guitars I've played. The top string tone was always muddy. Then again I'm not big into low tunings at all and I've always played my guitar very bright so it might just be me. I've been playing with a Gibson Les Paul for 2 years now and I don't think I've switched to the fret pick-up more than once or twice when there's distortion involved.

But these guitars at least look awesome.
yeah I don't really have a choice, I need a low b string for the band I'm in...I'm currently playing my regular 6 string tuned to b-e-a-d-g-b, but I'd like to have the high e as well. I'm not a huge fan of the extra neck width, but what can you do.

here's an mp3: Snakes of the Earth
helm: i agreed with your point of view at first because all the seven strings i ever played had really floppy low b strings. once i switched to using the bass string for it, it tightened up the sound and made it extremely less muddy and much brighter and punchier.

for reference you can listen to the Antique by kayo dot because there's one rhythm guitar track being done by me on my seven streing. :)
BTW you guitar players are lucky, you can get a very good instrument for very little money compared to us. I mean, just getting a good bass, not an exceptional one, goes over a grand easily...
That song is awesome (besides the singer but that's just me and shouty singer types) but why would you need a seven string for that? What I'm hearing doesn't rely on the extra low end at all.
yeah it does. I guess it doesn't really sound like it but there's a ton of low rythm parts. this is 0:07 to 0:12 for example (I hope this formats right):
