My new studio computer + Profire 2626!


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Alright! So I've got my ASUS P5Q Deluxe, Intel Q9550 2.83 ghz Quad Core up and running now. It's got 4gb Corsair RAM, 320 GB Samsung F1 as a system drive for Windows and apps, and a 750 GB Samsung F1 for the audio. The computer is REALLY fast and fluid, liking it so far. The Profire 2626 is connected to a LaCie Texas Instruments FireWire PCI card. The card is on IRQ 17 which is shared with one of the gigabit LAN ports on the motherboard, but since I won't have any internet in the rehearsal room, the Profire should pretty much run on its own which is good.

So I stress tested the system in REAPER... and let me just say that on my home computer which is just a Intel Dual Core 2.13 ghz, 2 GB RAM, 250GB Seagate drive and an M-Audio Delta1010LT, I could only run about 1 drum plugin, 4 guitar tracks and 2-3 synths and possibly one or two clean guitar tracks (still with some form of amp sim though) before the computer died completely in REAPER. This was done in 64 samples latency which gave me 2,1ms/2,1ms in latency.

The same thing with the new computer and the Profire 2626 @ 64 samples allowed me to run 2 drum plugins, 16-17 guitar tracks, 12 semi-heavy synths (Native Instruments Kore Player on all of them), 1 instance of the CPU-hog CVPiano before the computer started dying. There were no dropouts until my quad core hit about 90-95% on the meter. However, this gave me 3,1ms/3,1ms latency, which is actually a bit worse than the Delta1010LT card :D However, it's still good enough for direct monitoring so I'm not really complaining.

Now for the part that is troubling me:

I encountered only one issue so far with the Profire 2626 which was this very strange ring modulator type of effect when I was monitoring my guitar through REAPER. I hadn't added any effects at all to the track yet, I was just monitoring the clean dry signal but through REAPER (not direct monitoring). I was playing around with the gain knob on input 1 on the Profire 2626 and then suddenly this ring modulator effect kicked in. My guitar sounded completely messed up and the only way to solve it was to quit REAPER and relaunch it. After that, it hasn't happened anymore... even after the 30-45 minutes heavy stress test.

Has anyone had a similar issue or know what could be the cause of this?

Oh, and I have sorted all the samples in my computer and sliced up the samples that were multisamples and stuff and categorized them neatly... I'll share this folder with you guys later... if you give me valuable information about this issue I encountered, haha. Just kidding, I'll upload 'em anyway sometime in the near future :)


Now for some pictures... :p (Pardon my crappy cellphone camera, it was all I had at the moment)







The black/white/red cable running on the bottom and out the back of the computer is removed in case you wonder... it look redicilously weird :D It was for one of the fans that had a speed control on the outside of the chassis, but the fans are very silent anyway so I just removed it. They're all Fractal Silent Series fans... a bit expensive but not as expensive as the most "1337" fans.
Hehe yeah :)

Ashgarth, that's some nice stuff! i7 ... *drool* :D But seriously, this quad core is like 3 times more powerful than my home computer... maybe almost 4 times more powerful actually, the difference is huge.

I just hope the Profire doesn't get all weird again and make all the sound sound like there is a ring modulator effect going on... will have to see if it does that tomorrow.
Hope the profire works good!

quad's are so powerfull...I used a fucking pentium 4 before this...decided to get a new one the day I tried PTLE8 on it :lol:

Which OS are you running in this new pc?

Oh I see =)

I'm running Windows XP... still stuck with this 10 year old OS haha. But the OS itself is really stable here and now atleast, it's just that damn weird Profire behaviour that's bugging me... it's a new day now, and I'll see if it does the same crap again. I need this setup to be rock solid :)

And yeah, I can feel your pain coming from a Pentium 4 :D My previous studio computer was an AMD64 X2 4400+ ... not really great either but it was atleast a dual core :p Fuck AMD, now it's Intel time!
if you do not need the GB LAN port disable it in the bios. it is not good to have any conflicts even if you not using that piece of hardware.
Just sounds like a driver/buffer setting to low in Reaper. Happened to me from time to time w/my 003R. I use Nuendo and resetting the VST Audiobay driver stuff worked it out just fine.

Use the lowest buffer setting you can to get a compromise between stability/cpu useage/latency.

Should sort you out!
if you do not need the GB LAN port disable it in the bios. it is not good to have any conflicts even if you not using that piece of hardware.

Yeah exactly, I will disable it in the BIOS as soon as I'm done with the computer here at home. When I bring this studio computer to the rehearsal place, I will disable the LAN ports. After that, it shouldn't be sharing the IRQ with anything else, except for some "Microsoft UAA-busdriver for High Definition Audio" which I guess shouldn't matter since I have the onboard audio card turned off in the BIOS.

Just sounds like a driver/buffer setting to low in Reaper. Happened to me from time to time w/my 003R. I use Nuendo and resetting the VST Audiobay driver stuff worked it out just fine.

Use the lowest buffer setting you can to get a compromise between stability/cpu useage/latency.

Should sort you out!

But if the buffer is set too low, it should occur again right? It hasn't happened anymore since yesterday... and I just stress tested it for 3 hours with 10 guitar amp sim tracks, 2 Addictive Drums tracks, and 6 synths. CPU was up at 70% @ 64 samples latency, and I did NOT expect to find REAPER still running and playing back the project when I got back home haha.

Well, it seems as if things are running stable enough right now... hope I don't jinx it by saying that though. Guess it's time to make a complete backup of the system drive now so that I can quickly restore everything if my computer shits itself to death.
Congrats dude. Sounds like a very sick setup. Makes my comp feel ancient (amd 3800x2).
sometimes i get that kind of effect if im monitoring within 2 applications i.e cubase AND gearbox/podfarm at the same time, to do with latency i think. I dunno your problem might be different but thats the closest thing i've experienced. Lookin' forward to getting me a profire now that i've sold my saffire, easy to use?
sometimes i get that kind of effect if im monitoring within 2 applications i.e cubase AND gearbox/podfarm at the same time, to do with latency i think. I dunno your problem might be different but thats the closest thing i've experienced. Lookin' forward to getting me a profire now that i've sold my saffire, easy to use?

Hmm, I can't remember running 2 apps at the same time at that time but now that I have googled on it, it seems "our" very own AudioGeekZine has been having this issue for a long time. Just found his posts over at the M-Audio forum and it didn't seem like the tech support ever found the root of the problem. He did mention it mostly happened at low latency settings so yeah, it seems to be related to that. I MUST run at low latency settings though, that's like 75% of my work. The only time I don't need to run at low latency is when mixing, and I spend more time writing songs and recording stuff than mixing, hence why I need the low latency.

As for the ease of use, yeah sure it is alright. I got the hang of the M-Audio Control Panel pretty quickly, even if everything is not 100% clear to me yet but that's related to ADAT and SPDIF and the Aux Sends and shit. I don't really use those parts of the Profire, I just use the 8 analog ins and I'm basically done with the interface as far as features go :) I just heard good things about this interface so I spent extra money on this instead of a Presonus Firepod or whatever cheap stuff that is available.
Congrats on the new PC Erkan, let us know how you like the 2626. I'm saving up for a new interface right now and I'm definitely considering that one.
Congrats on the new PC Erkan, let us know how you like the 2626. I'm saving up for a new interface right now and I'm definitely considering that one.

Thanks! Yes, I will definately let you guys know... or rather, if I put it like this: The only thing that's keeping me from jumping around in joy is that issue with the distortion I mentioned. Since more people than me seem to be having that, it seems like there's some kind of issue to be solved here. But let's pretend that issue does not exist, then I would recommend the Profire 2626 right away! I was paranoid about it not having low enough latency for live performance (writing songs with lots of guitar amp sim tracks and stuff) but it shattered that paranoia. The drivers are good, the mixer is good, it has lots of expandability options with the ADATs and stuff... just feels like an overall quality unit.

Now that I'm not paranoid over the latency, I'm paranoid over this distortion-for-no-apparent-reason issue.... :S
Haha you did Carl :D

Man, I don't know about i7... this Q9550 seems to be enough for me really. I don't think I'll ever have to change buffer size or freeze any tracks... unless I run with 16 guitar tracks which I'm not planning on doing. :)