My New Years Greeting from Buddy...

Hé Matt! T'étais pas supposé de venir au show d'Anthrax à QC?? .Big Red. m'a remis une enveloppe de posters et de pamphlets de promo à ton nom! Je les ai tout donnés au show! hehehe
J'était la, je t'ai chercher, mais je t'ai pas trouver... j'était a montreal aussi, j'aurais bien aimé te voire... Ont vas se reprendre au prochain show... ont vas s'donner rendez-vous avant.
Matt Bello said:
Ty is a nice guy (I don't know him personaly, but, it's my opinion). Very simpatic and he had a good sence of humour. He always had great topic. Is fued with Buddy are not our business.

Ps: Buddy look like a nice guy too.

Agreed, but I still want to watch :muahaha:
Ragamuffin said:
I say we just lock them both in a room alone, whichever comes out gets the right to talk all the shit in the world for the rest of eternity, the other one we shall remember fondly every third Friday.
Lock them and a room and Skull fuck TD...... ??????