My Next Local Promotional

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga

I would love to see all of the Atlanta Prog/Power fans and friends in attendance on Apr 14th. I have a pretty diverse and dynamic lineup ready to entertain you. Come on out and support the local metal scene in a nice, clean, safe environment. Bring your friends! Bring your kids! Bring MeMa! :cool:
That's the first day of the Rennaissance Festival and I'll be working there again this year, and so I'll probably be exhausted afterwards....but on the bright side, the Faire is slightly closer to Douglasville.... :heh:
That's the first day of the Rennaissance Festival and I'll be working there again this year, and so I'll probably be exhausted afterwards....but on the bright side, the Faire is slightly closer to Douglasville.... :heh:

yeah we'll be hitting the faire at least once also this year, but probably not until the last weekend in April, so long as the weather is good.

And just as you stated Paul, Douglasville (and the 7 Venue) is just a straight shot up Hwy 92. :) So c'mon by if you aren't too tired! :zombie:
yeah we'll be hitting the faire at least once also this year, but probably not until the last weekend in April, so long as the weather is good.

And just as you stated Paul, Douglasville (and the 7 Venue) is just a straight shot up Hwy 92. :) So c'mon by if you aren't too tired! :zombie:

Hmm, I'm not familiar with that stretch of Hwy 92, so taking I-285 up and around might be better.

Heck, we'll see. That's gonna be a loong day. But, since it isn't Sunday there won't be the traditional drum circle and dancing at La Fiesta in Union City after the Faire closes, so it's a possibility. (The drum circle would have taken priority; on a good night it's the best free show in the city. :kickass: )
Great Banner Sean! Thanks again! :rock:

and yeah, I expect this to be another great local show!

I'm trying to line Theocracy up for another show later this summer. And I also have something BIG brewing for June 23rd at The 7 Venue. So until then, come check out these other dynamic local bands. :cool:
What time is this show going to be over? I see that doors open at 6pm and first band starts at 6:30.....which seems really early, especially for a weekend show. Not sure we could make it before it's almost over. :(
because of the location of the 7 Venue - near a residential area - they are supposed to be 'done' with the show by 11PM.

Eclipsed by Sanity will be closing the show tonight, with the the lineup falling into these approximate times:
  • 6:30 - Shadows in Eden
  • 7:20 - Sacrosanct
  • 8:15 - Halcyon Way
  • 9:15 - The Mandrake Theory
  • 10:15 - Eclipsed by Sanity
Hope you can stop by Paul. And I hope to see many more of you there as well. :kickass:

and you should see us at the GA Ren Fest on Apr 29th, Paul.