My next purchase?

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Opinions needed for what will be my next purchase out of the following. I will buy the album with the most votes...

Nevermore - Dead Heart
Nevermore - Godless Endev
Devin Townsend - Terria
Spocks Beard - Snow
Fates Warning - Disconnected
Fates warning - X
Queensryche - Rage for Order
Rush - Farewell to Kings
Rush - Hemispheres

Have never heard Nevermore or Townsend (Except for his vocals on The Human Equation).

Have 1 Spocks Beard album - V which is awesome.

Only ever heard 2 QR albums. Operation Mindcrime which is in my top 5 albums ever, and Empire, which I barely listen to. Does nothing for me and its why I never got any of their other albums.

Have 2 Rush albums, 2112 and Moving Pics. Both are quality.

Have 1 FW album being Pleasent Shade of Grey. It's alright... I yearned for more guitar solos and shit though. All started to sound very samey towards the end of the album.
Spruce Goose said:
Queensryche - Rage for Order
Rush - Farewell to Kings
Rush - Hemispheres

Buy all those! Rager For Order is without doubt the best thing QR ever did but it'll take a while to grow on you. Get the remaster with bonus tracks if you can.

Money spent on Rush albums is never wasted. You'll need both the CDs you've got listed there to hear the full story of Cygnus X-1

Pineapple Thief.

It's hard to find, I don't even know if they have distro here.
Pineapple thief I know you will like because it's basically the result of what would happen if keane discovered prog.

Anyone who has a passing interest in prog loves red sparowes, it's currently doing the rounds in the family among all the 50+ year old Pink Floyd fans. My dad liked it to the extent he wants copies of Isis,Neurosis,pelican and cult of luna albums off me now.
I got a tip. Stop buying prog its silly. Go buy some 80s thrash!

I dont agree that rfo is better than mindcrime, but its good nevertheless. I prefer warning to rfo I think anyway. Take hold of the flame! :rock:
RFO is more like Mindcrime than Empire. It's not a full concept album but it's similar enough in style for you to see where they were headed next. Best tracks are I Dream In Infra-Red, The Killing Words and I Will Remember.

I think they tried selling out a bit with Empire, and you have to say that it kinda worked with "Silent Lucidity" being quite a hit. I still think it's a top album - "Jet City Woman" and "Anybody Listening?" are two of my all-time favourite songs by any band - but the first time I heard it I hated it because I was expecting another Mindcrime. Apart from Promised Land, which I love, they've never been close to being a great band since.

Snow - great album. Get it.

Rush - you're on to a winner with either album. I'd maybe lean towards Hemispheres, though, because it has probably their most underrated song, "Circumstances". The 20-something minute title track rules even more than my taste in quality footwear.

Fates Warning - Disconnected rules. They really changed their sound with APSOG (not the first time they've done it - first they were a Queensryche-y Maiden rip-off type band (their vocalist John Arch sounded a bit like Bruce, kinda sorta) and then they brought in Ray Alder, who for years I thought was one of the most annoying singers around, and their sound changed a fair bit to a more 90s-Queensryche-y sound - more commercial, but kinda proggy (I would highly recommend everyone getting Parallels - includes some of their best stuff) and then after APSOG their stuff has been more wacked out, weird, stuff. Y'know. Disconnected rules, but I haven't listened to FWX much to have a real opinion of it. So I'd suggest you get Parallels, even though it will give you no real idea of what the two you're thinking about getting will be like.