Little bit of a Haul

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Just been shipped from Amazon:

Spocks Beard - V
My first SB album. Love Neal. Haven't heard SB. Everyone says this is the one to get.

Aryeon - The Human Equation
I dunno if I'll dig this or not. I got a bit over all the proggy rock opera things but have heard that this one smokes the others. Been wanting to check it out for a while but it is too damn expensive at JB. Interested in hearing James LaBrie and Mikael Ak's vocals on it mainly.

Dane Cook - CD+DVD combo
Stand up comedy and a funny fucker. This is sposed to be a pretty good show and the bonus dvd has like, 3 shows on it :rock:

Beatles - The White Album.
Yeah..... It's white
"V" rules. Get "Snow" next, that rules even more. :rock:

Haven't heard that Ayreon album, but the Star One album is tops, as is the DVD. Not really proggy, I don't think, but others will beg to differ. Not sure why it was released as Star One instead of Ayreon, never did bother to find out. And Bruce sings a song on Ayreon's "Universal Migrator Part II" album and, gee, it's definitely one of his best performances.
Blitzkrieg said:
I haven't heard much Ayreon, but damn the song they do with Bruce, Into The Black Hole, is awesome.

Yep, that's the one.

"Gazing into the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeye of the univeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssse!"
