My old JCM 800.... back home after 20 years

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
20 years ago in 1987 i did a tour of Europe and the UK with Agent Steel as their touring lead guitarist (pressured into wearing an orange jumper suit at the headlining Hammy-O show... Andy is always joking with me about this and threatening to put up pics from the show, lol :Puke:)... i was just a baby really.... too young to run off that far from home, much less dragging along my prized Marshall JCM 800 Lead Series Head with no travel insurance... just my name written across the back metal protector/vent grill in black Magic Marker....

fast forward to 2007 and i'm killing myself over getting a nice vintage lead tone for the brand new Blood Promise 4-song label demo i'm working on... this one has to kill.... and i don't want to use either of the amps i used for the rhythm tracks (6505+ and Cobra) since i like to stack tones, or the Krankenstein... none of them are very "vintage" sounding anyway... at least not in the way i mean. think "Schenker/UFO". Sadly, my Pitbull needs service at the moment.

well i decided to call up my buddy that i sold that amp to back when he was 17... he's 37 now and amazingly enough, he still lives at the exact same address and still had the amp (and the 1960-A cab) that i sold him at the end of '87 after returning from that tour and deciding to move to Atlanta. it was still sitting in pretty much the same spot in his room and looked just as cherry as the day i sold it to him, save for a bit of dust as it had been a few months since he had last cleaned it. he'd had it serviced/re-tubed once or twice over the years and was still using it. Shit, even my name was still on the back in black Magic Marker. :cool: i have it again and have just finished re-amping the solos for the this new Blood Promise session... here's a pic of it, in the "stack-'o-amps" with the rest of my current collection:


i actually decided to see if any of Schenker's settings for this amp were posted online anywhere to use as starting points and right away found a pic taken of the front of Michael's own JCM 800 right before a UFO show in 2000, and i thought i'd share... see below:


i did not go with these exact settings in the end.. close though, and i added a ts-9 with a moderate gain setting. i'm happy with the results... which you will get to hear soon.

Congrats on finding your old toy where you left it James. I used on of these recently on a session and totally loved it. Really wanted a change from the hi gain heads for this band and this amp was perfect.
Congrats on finding your old toy where you left it James. I used on of these recently on a session and totally loved it. Really wanted a change from the hi gain heads for this band and this amp was perfect.
thanks.... yeah, i'm heading in a more classic direction when it comes to solo tones these days.
That's pretty much the reason why I sold mine to a good friend... I can borrow it when I need it.:)
Mine was a modded 2203 though. Single channel 100w. It was and still is loud as hell. When I set the master volume to 12o'clock, the cab starts shaking like mad. Now that's metal.:rock:
Thats crazy man to find a piece of gear you had so many moons ago and still have it in working order! very rare:rock:

o yeah and that is a nasty pile of power ya got there dick:lol:
James I want your amp collection... All you need is a bogner there and you have every amp youl'll ever need...
Cool story James. Is it yours again or borrowing it?

Last year I asked on your forum if you did anything prior to Death.
Don't know if you were blowing me off or what. :lol:
I went to my download site to check out Agent Steel. Always heard of them but never actually heard them. Well the site doesn't have much, just 2 cover song clips which sound pretty cool. It does give a lengthy bio of the band in which you are included (I love the "among many others" comment :lol: )
I also didn't know certain members went on to Fates Warning as well as Nasty Savage & Holy Terror.
It mentions a farewell concert video. Are you included in that?
Are you on any of their releases?
That's a great story....I fortunately had the same head signed personally by Jim Marshall himself back in was a gift. My house was robbed a few years later and that was one of the things that the thieves walked away with. I know one day I'll come across it in a music shop or on Ebay but as for's been almost 20 years, and no luck...the sad part is if I see the sig on back plate I'll know right's burned into my memory, hopefully I'll find mine as well before I develop arthritis.
Are you included in that?
Are you on any of their releases?l
i was just hired on for a that UK/Euroope tour in 87... Nuclear Assault opened the tour for us.... had a good time with those guys. i never appeared on any official AS release.... after that tour i spent 2 years teaching guitar, then joined Death.