My old JCM 800.... back home after 20 years

Would be great to hear some tone from the JCM800, I recently sold my original 80's and updated for a 6505+ because the 800 just didn't have the definition in the sound, especially when playing fast - it sounded like a possessed bumble bee....but for solo's yeah it definately had something about it.
Congrats on finding your old amp, James! Life can be funny that way.

On a relevant note, has anyone tried the re-release JCM800's yet?

Indeed. I borrowed one for a show a few years back and played through a straight Marshall V30 cab and a boss overdrive pedal. There's something amazing about the Marshall when you crank it to stage volume. If I had the coin I would buy one today.

The only JCM800 I ever owned was Lee Jackson modified 2203. I sounded pretty good, but it was noisy as all hell when you pulled the knob out for the extra gain stage. I think I like the re-issue better with an OD pedal than the modded gain stage on the Lee Jackson.
Great story man! And did anyone notice all the vinyl next to the amps....ahhhh, the good old days.